Changes in Global DNA Methylation Intensity and DNMT1 Transcription During the Aging Process of Scal

来源 :Journal of Ocean University of China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cctasty
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DNA methylation is an important epigenetic regulatory mechanism that influences genomic stability, gene activation, X-chromosome inactivation and other factors. A change in DNA methylation is usually associated with aging and cellular senescence. DNA methyltransferase 1(DNMT1) is the most abundant DNA methyltransferase, and it plays an important role in maintaining the established methylation pattern during DNA replication in vertebrates. Although the effect of aging on DNA methylation has been well studied in vertebrates, little research has been conducted in invertebrates, especially in marine bivalves. In this study, we examined global DNA methylation levels in four groups of adult Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri at different ages. The results showed that both the age and tissue type had a strong effect on the DNA methylation. In addition, a significant decrease in DNA methylation with aging(1–4 years) can be detected in mantle, kidney and hepatopancreas. We further measured the change in DNMT1 transcript abundance using quantitative reverse transcription PCR(q RT-PCR), which revealed that DNMT1 transcription significantly decreased with aging in mantle and hepatopancreas and strongly correlated with DNA methylation(R = 0.72). Our data provided greater insight into the aging-related decline of DNA methylation, which could aid in gaining a better understanding of the relationship between DNA methylation and the aging process in bivalve mollusks. DNA methylation is an important epigenetic regulatory mechanism that influences genomic stability, gene activation, X-chromosome inactivation and other factors. A change in DNA methylation is usually associated with aging and cellular senescence. DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) is the most abundant DNA methyltransferase , and it plays an important role in maintaining the established methylation pattern was DNA well in vertebrates, little research has been conducted in invertebrates, especially in marine bivalves. In this study , we examined global DNA methylation levels in four groups of adult Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri at different ages. The results showed both are the age and tissue type had a strong effect on the DNA methylation. In addition, a significant decrease in DNA methylation with aging (1-4 years) can be detected in mantle, kidney and hepatopancreas. We further measured the c hange in DNMT1 transcript abundance using quantitative reverse transcription PCR (q RT-PCR), which revealed that DNMT1 transcription was decreased with aging in mantle and hepatopancreas and strongly correlated with DNA methylation (R = 0.72). Our data provided greater insight into the aging -related decline of DNA methylation, which could aid in gaining a better understanding of the relationship between DNA methylation and the aging process in bivalve mollusks.
那是个再普通不过的初夏午后。  北川县一所幼儿园的孩子们睡午觉醒来,发现老天在发坏脾气,风很大,刮得小树东倒西歪的。但这丝毫没影响孩子们的情绪,唱歌、做游戏,笑脸花一样在幼儿园里四处绽放。谁也没想到一场灾难正悄然来袭。  小女孩在领唱老师新教的儿歌,简单的旋律响彻整间教室。就在那一刻,教室突然成了游乐场里的海盗船,摇来荡去,孩子们还没等弄明白怎么回事,就被压到了黑暗里。  疼,真疼。喊老师,可是回
在很长的时间里,我总觉得“田晓菲”是个传说,无论是少年诗人田晓菲,还是哈佛教授田晓菲。有一天,当晓菲终于接受邀请到我供职的学校讲演,我们有了“近距离”接触的机会。晓菲讲演的场面和宇文所安一样热烈,报告厅的过道和门外都挤满了听众,在许多学子心中,田晓菲同样是个传说。  如果按照中国大陆的学术评价体系,晓菲的学术成就是在几个领域之中。晓菲的研究以中国古典文学为主,但涉猎广泛。《尘几录:陶渊明与手抄本文
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