A VISIT TO Hong Kong Disneyland

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  In this winter vacation, my mother and I went to Hong KongDisneyland, I felt very happy.
  Across the American town street, there was a castle. Thecastle was gray, pink and blue. How nice! The castle was Disneyland’scenter. Around it there were lots of amusement facilities(游乐设施), such as Mad Hatter Teacup, Jungle River Cruise, Merrygo-round (旋转木马), Ferris Wheel (摩天轮) and so on other funnygames. Mad Hatter Teacup was my favorite game, because it’s sointeresting. When I sit in the big cup, the cup would turn swiftly(快速地), moving back and forth, moving and moving...
  At three o’clock in the afternoon, we watched a parade ( 游行庆典) . Mickey Mouse and his friends were on the parade car, theywaved to us. We were so excited because they were our most likedfigures(人物). My mother and Ialso took photos with MickeyMouse.
  It was late, we left Disneylandand Hong Kong. I loveDisneyland, I love Hong Kong,too! I hope I can visit it onceagain!
  难度系数: ☆☆☆☆
  ★指导老师: 司海敏
1.It is no trouble.没问题。表示答应、同意做某事,而且把握十足。如:  A: Tom, do me a favor!  B: OK, Mum.  A: After school, you go to buy some milk home.  B: It is no trouble.
同学们, 大家对知心姐姐卢勤一定不陌生吧? 一次演讲中, 知心姐姐讲了这样一件事:  “有一个老师, 他给小学生留了一个作文题— —《我做了一件好事》。结果, 全班70%孩子写的都是捡钱包, 加起来一共捡了37 万元! ”  37万元的巨款从天而降, 真是“天上掉馅饼”! 细想想, 却发现这无异于痴人说梦, 哪能有这么多粗心的人呢? 无独有偶, 不光中国的孩子这样写, 外国的孩子也闹过这样的笑话。
小书虫: 我国宋代大诗人苏轼写过“不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中”的诗句, 你们对庐山了解多少呢?  聪聪: 庐山有三美, 课文只说了其中的一美———云雾,另外两美是飞瀑和绝壁。先说说飞瀑。“飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天”这首千古流传、经久不衰的诗句, 是李白在赞美  庐山瀑布的壮观与神奇。到过庐山的人无不想去看李白笔下的“银河”, 去亲身感受仰望瀑布飞流直下的美景。庐山第一奇观当推三叠泉,
冬天里, 北风呼啸。路上的行人匆匆地走过街巷尾。点点和豆豆在北风声中来到了乡间田野, 观着大自然的千变万化。他们都看到了一些什么呢?我们与他们一同去寻找吧!    ★一级跳    点点、豆豆走上一条小道, 突然被小道上的公示牌挡住去路: 若要前行, 请答出下列问题。  1.先移动笔画再“瘦”身:“庆”移动一点成( ) , 再去掉两笔成( ) , 再移动一点成( ) , 再去掉一点成( ) , 再去
1.Your___________is between 6.Bats are_____________your head and your trunk.  A. birds B. insectsA.belly B.neck C. leg   C. mammals
难度系数: ☆☆☆☆  Long long ago, there lived a farmer. He hadthree sons. The three sons were all lazy(1 ) boys. Oneday, the farmer fell ill and was dying( 2 ) . He calledhis sons together and told them that
It was Christmas and thejudge ( 法官) was benevolent ( 仁慈的) when he questioned theprisoner( 犯人) .   “What are you charged with( 被指控) ? ”he asked.  “Doing my Christmas shoppingearly,”replied the prisoner
Say Hello to Somebody    难度系数: ☆    只要是朋友都能用的:  How’s everything? 一切都好?  What’s up? 近况如何?  What’s new? 有什么新鲜事?  What’s happening? 在忙什么?  任何时候都可以用, 但比较见外:  How are you? 你好吗? ( 适用于曾经见过, 但不太熟的人)  Nice to
One day, my mother and I went to Suzhou Park. When seeingthe fishpond (鱼塘) , I got excited. We rented a fishing- rod ( 鱼竿)and bought a little fish food. I asked my mother to hold the fishingworm(鱼饵) .
be 动词是指am, is , are 以及他们的过去式was, were。在英语中, be 动词的能耐可大了,构成句子可少不了他们!    1. be 动词当联系动词, 后面跟上名词或形容词作表语。例如:    I am a student.  He was happy yesterday.    2. be 动词还可以做助动词。    1) be +现在分词, 构成进行时态。例如:  They