The Farmer’s Three Sons

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  难度系数: ☆☆☆☆
  Long long ago, there lived a farmer. He hadthree sons. The three sons were all lazy(1 ) boys. Oneday, the farmer fell ill and was dying( 2 ) . He calledhis sons together and told them that he had hidden(3)a treasure(4 ) in the fields. “Turn the earth(5 ) over forit, ”he said.
  After the farmer died, his lazy sons began toturn the earth in the fields. At first they used hoes(6 )to dig( 7 ) the earth. They dug and dug, but found notreasure. Then they used a plough(8) to turn the earthover. They ploughedas deep as ( 9 ) theycould. But they couldnot find the treasure.
  It was time forsowing( 10 ) . One of theboys said, “Now that (11 ) theearth is already turned, let’ssow some rice ( 12 ) in thesefields.”
  “That’s fine,”the otherssaid. And they began to sow.
  When autumn came, they were surprisedto see(13 ) a golden rice harvest( 14 ) in the fields.Their harvest was better than the harvest in anyof their neighbor’s (15 ) fields. Then the boys understood(16 ) what their father said. The fieldsgive treasure to those who work hard.
  1.They ploughed as deep as they could.
  2.It was time for sowing.
  3.When autumn came, they were surprised tosee a golden rice harvest in the fields.
  4.Their harvest was better than the harvest inany of their neighbor’s fields.
  5. The fields give treasure to those who workhard.
  (1) lazy 懒惰的
  (2) dying 临死的
  (3) hidden 是动词hide 的过去分词, 埋藏
  (4) treasure 财宝
  (5) earth 泥土;我们学过theearth 意为“地球”
  (6) hoe 锄头
  (7) dig 开挖; 其后的dug 是dig的过去式
  (8) plough 这里是名词指农作工具“犁”; 也可作动词表示“犁地”。
  (9) as deep as和……一样深
  (10) sow 播种
  (11) now that既然
  (12) rice 稻子
  (13) be surprisedto see 看到⋯⋯感到很惊奇
  (14) harvest收成, 丰收
  (15) neighbor’s邻居的
  (16) understood是动词understand的过去式,明白
  同学们, 这是一个人人都听过的故事。可是, 在这儿用英文讲给大家听, 是希望大家潜心学习一下文章的遣词造句, 争取背诵下来, 让它们变成自己的英语“财宝”。
难度系数:★★    What’s the matter? 意为“怎么啦?”,它一般用于询问某人身体是否不舒服、遇到了什么麻烦或东西是否坏了等情景,表示对某人或某事的关心。大家先请看一下Mike与Jane之间的对话吧。  1. Mike: What’s the matter, Jane? 简,你怎么啦?  Jane: I’ve got a bad headache. 我头疼得厉害。  2. Mik
亲爱的同学们, 当本期《阅读》快乐地飞向你们身边的时候, 迎接新年的钟声也悠扬地飘荡在我们耳边, 飘进了我们心里, 多么喜庆、热烈; 多么美好、温馨。带着愉快, 带着憧憬, 叮当姐姐向你们推荐1908 年出版, 英国作家肯尼斯·格雷厄姆创作, 我国著名翻译家任溶溶翻译的经典童话《柳林间的风》。这是作家为他当时七岁的儿子讲的故事。这本书不仅受到许多小孩子的喜欢,而且有更多热爱自然的“大孩子”也非常欣
[病号]—Whose hungry?—I'm hungry.  [诊断]Who's表示询问某人是谁,而Whose表示询问某样东西是谁的,两个虽然读音相同,但用法完全不一样。
The first of June was Children' s Day.On the day, I received many presents.
coffee  咖啡  milk  牛奶
1.It is no trouble.没问题。表示答应、同意做某事,而且把握十足。如:  A: Tom, do me a favor!  B: OK, Mum.  A: After school, you go to buy some milk home.  B: It is no trouble.
同学们, 大家对知心姐姐卢勤一定不陌生吧? 一次演讲中, 知心姐姐讲了这样一件事:  “有一个老师, 他给小学生留了一个作文题— —《我做了一件好事》。结果, 全班70%孩子写的都是捡钱包, 加起来一共捡了37 万元! ”  37万元的巨款从天而降, 真是“天上掉馅饼”! 细想想, 却发现这无异于痴人说梦, 哪能有这么多粗心的人呢? 无独有偶, 不光中国的孩子这样写, 外国的孩子也闹过这样的笑话。
小书虫: 我国宋代大诗人苏轼写过“不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中”的诗句, 你们对庐山了解多少呢?  聪聪: 庐山有三美, 课文只说了其中的一美———云雾,另外两美是飞瀑和绝壁。先说说飞瀑。“飞流直下三千尺, 疑是银河落九天”这首千古流传、经久不衰的诗句, 是李白在赞美  庐山瀑布的壮观与神奇。到过庐山的人无不想去看李白笔下的“银河”, 去亲身感受仰望瀑布飞流直下的美景。庐山第一奇观当推三叠泉,
冬天里, 北风呼啸。路上的行人匆匆地走过街巷尾。点点和豆豆在北风声中来到了乡间田野, 观着大自然的千变万化。他们都看到了一些什么呢?我们与他们一同去寻找吧!    ★一级跳    点点、豆豆走上一条小道, 突然被小道上的公示牌挡住去路: 若要前行, 请答出下列问题。  1.先移动笔画再“瘦”身:“庆”移动一点成( ) , 再去掉两笔成( ) , 再移动一点成( ) , 再去掉一点成( ) , 再去
1.Your___________is between 6.Bats are_____________your head and your trunk.  A. birds B. insectsA.belly B.neck C. leg   C. mammals