青峰岭水库位于沭河干流莒县城以北30km处,控制流域面积770km~2,总库容4.101m~3,兴利库容2.7亿m~3,于1960年建成。枢纽工程主要由大坝、溢洪道、放水洞、电站组成。溢洪道在大坝北端,设9孔弧形钢闸门,闸门宽×高为10m×8.2m,用双吊点固定式卷扬机启闭,溢洪闸能否正常运行,关系到水库下游莒县、临沂、郯城、苍山等县市的工矿企业,87万人口、5.74万hm~2农田以及206国道、016省道、京沪高速公路和兖石铁路、陇海铁路的安全,在整个枢纽工程中起着举足轻重的作用。 该闸建成于1966年8月,由于受当时施工工艺水平的限制,工程安装质量达不到设计要求,又加上年久失修,工程
The Qingfengling Reservoir is located 30km north of Juxian County in the main stream of Shuhe. Its control basin covers an area of 770km ~ 2 with a total storage capacity of 4.101m ~ 3 and its storage capacity is 270 million m ~ 3. It was completed in 1960. The hub project is mainly composed of dams, spillways, water diversion holes and power stations. Spillway at the northern end of the dam, set 9 holes arc steel gate, gate width × height of 10m × 8.2m, with double hanging point fixed winch hoist, spillway normal operation, related to the reservoir downstream Pixian, Linyi , Gaocheng, Cangshan and other counties and cities of industrial and mining enterprises, 870,000 people, 57,400 hm ~ 2 farmland and State Road 206, 016 provincial highway, the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway and Yanzhou-Shiyan Railway, Longhai Railway safety, throughout the hub project A pivotal role. The gate was built in August 1966, due to the construction process at the time the level of restrictions on the quality of the installation of the project can not meet the design requirements, coupled with the disrepair, engineering