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为了贯彻中央科技体制改革的精神,振兴机械工业,推动各行各业的技术进步,加速科技成果转移,促使科技成果的商品化,开拓国内外技术市场,充分发挥科研单位间横向的综合技术和测试基地的作用。机械工业部部属十二个研究院所在部科技司的指导下,经过充分酝酿和筹备工作,共同组成以部属科研单位为主体的科技开发联合体,即广州大通机械科技开发公司;已于一九八五年五月十五日至十九日在穗召开会议正式成立。十二个研究院所为董事单位,通过了董事名单,召开了第一届董事会,民主选举了林就发同志为董事长,黄雷鸣、陈克栋同志为副董事长,制定了本公司的章程,签订了协议;设立了公司总部和分部,任聘了陈明栋同志为公司总经理,赵正云同志为副总经理以及分部经理,并着手开展日常科技与贸易经营业务活动。该公司得到了部科技司的大力支持,郑启荣副处长、查全庸工程师出席了公司成立会议,蒋尧麟副司长、蔡文熙副总工程师等领导同志还亲临大会祝贺并讲了话。 In order to implement the spirit of the reform of the central science and technology system, we will revitalize the machinery industry, promote technological advancements in all walks of life, accelerate the transfer of scientific and technological achievements, promote the commercialization of scientific and technological achievements, open up domestic and foreign technology markets, and give full play to horizontal integrated technologies and testing among scientific research institutions. The role of the base. Under the guidance of the Department of Science and Technology of the 12 Research Institutes under the guidance of the Department of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Machinery Industry under the guidance of the Ministry of Industry and Technology, after full preparation and preparation work, they jointly formed a scientific and technological development consortium consisting mainly of subordinate scientific research units, namely Guangzhou Datong Machinery Technology Development Co., Ltd.; The meeting was held in Guangzhou from May 15th to May 19th. Twelve institutes were board members, passed the list of directors, held the first board of directors, democratically elected Comrade Lin Huifa as chairman, and Comrade Huang Leiming and Chen Kedong as vice chairman, formulated the company’s articles of association. An agreement was signed; the company’s headquarters and branches were established; Comrade Chen Mingdong was appointed as the general manager of the company; Comrade Zhao Zhengyun was the deputy general manager and the branch manager, and they started to carry out daily business activities in science and technology and trade. The company received strong support from the Ministry of Science and Technology. Zheng Qirong, deputy director and Cha Quanyong engineer attended the company’s founding meeting. The deputy director Jiang Qilin and deputy chief engineer Cai Wenxi also attended the conference and congratulated and delivered speeches.
1984年,我国原煤产量为78923万吨,超过苏联跃居世界第二位;石油产量1.14亿吨居世界第六;发电量为3770亿度,超过联邦 In 1984, China’s raw coal output was 78.923 millio