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近年来,遵循“围绕一个中心,即以学生为中心;注重两个贯彻始终,即思想教育,因材施教;体现三个为主,即教师为主导(当导演),学生为主体(当演员),训练为主线;掌握四个环节,即前置补偿,精讲、点拨,变式训练,归纳总结”,借鉴天津市教科院王敏勤的“和谐教学法”、山东教育科学研究所 In recent years, following the principle of “centering around a student centered on a student; paying attention to both the implementation of the ideological education and teaching students in accordance with their aptitude; embodying the three main principles: teacher-led (when directed) and student-centered (who is an actor). Training as the main line; mastering four links, namely, pre-compensation, fine-speaking, fine-tune, variant training, summarizing and summing up, learning from the “harmonious teaching method” of Tianjin Institute of Science and Technology, Wang Minqin, and Shandong Institute of Educational Sciences.
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