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地处乌蒙大地的云南曲靖市有着优良的革命传统。这里孕育了“乌蒙铁军”、“乌蒙民兵第一营”等先进典型。近年来,曲靖市认真探索新形势下加强同防动员建设的方法路子,牢固树立科学发展思想,总结形成的国防动员和后备力量建设“曲靖模式”享誉西南,其间凝聚着曲靖市市长、市国动委主任岳跃生肩打使命笃行责任的心血与汗水。曲靖市先后被国家国动委评为“人民防空先进城市”、被全国双拥办评为“全同双拥模范城”、被总参、总政表彰为“全同民兵军事训练先进单位”、“全国民兵预备役政治工作先进单位”等成绩。 “成绩是对昨天工作的肯定,今天还需要付出更多努力,才能实现明天的目标”。如果说有成绩那是党委政府领导有力,大家共同努力的结果,我个人只是履行责任,这是岳市长在成绩面前低调而平实的态度。 Qujing, located in the vast land of Wumeng, has a fine revolutionary tradition. Here gave birth to the “Wumeng Tiejun ”, “Wumeng militia first battalion ” and other advanced models. In recent years, Qujing has earnestly explored the ways to strengthen the building of anti-mobilizers in the new situation, firmly established the idea of ​​scientific development, and summed up the formation of national defense mobilization and reserve forces. Qujing mode enjoys a high reputation in the southwest, with the mayor of Qujing , City Commission of Yue Yunsheng shoulders the task of duty and responsibility of the painstaking efforts and sweat. Qujing City has been rated as “advanced city for people’s air defense” by the State Development and Reform Commission and “double-support model city with double-ownership” as the “same city with double support”, commended by the General Staff and the General Government as “the same militia and military Training advanced unit ”, “ advanced unit of the national militia reserve political work ”and other achievements. “Achievement is the affirmation of yesterday’s work. More efforts are needed today to achieve tomorrow’s goal.” If there is a result that is strong leadership of the party committee and government, we work together as a result, I personally just perform their duties, this is the Yue Mayor low-key in front of the performance and the level of attitude.
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人人皆有成名梦,如果有机会成为众人羡慕的闪亮焦点,你希望自己成为哪种名人呢?A.政治明星B.运动明星C.影视红星D.文坛巨星 Everyone has a fame dream, if you have the op
8月21日,军区国防动员委员会通报表彰2009年度西南地区国防动员建设十佳企事业单位和十佳书记、十佳市(州、区、县)长。2009年,西南地区国防 On August 21, the Military R