
来源 :中国港口 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:vincent1115
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在港务管理模式中,人们现在正在探索政企合一和政企分开的问题,我们认为,政企合一和分开,都不是目的,而是手段,是管理港口经济的一种方法。既不能一刀切,也不能赶时髦。 从长江诸港口的情况看,为彻底解决条块矛盾,改变地方封锁和多头管理等不利于港口经济发展的因素,在港口下放所在城市管理的前提下,采取政企合一的港务管理模式比较好,也比较有利。 1、对政企分开的认识。在计划经济体制时期,我国的经济活动从宏观到微观,全由政府管。企业既没有经营权,又没有自主权。更没有决策权。企业只是政府的一个附属物,这样的政企当然要分开。应当指出的是:在实行政企分开的过程中,如大中型企业内部,将企业的行政管理和生产经营管理也“政企分开”, In the harbor management model, people are now exploring the issue of the integration of government and enterprises and the separation of government from enterprises. We think that the integration of government and enterprises and their separation are not ends but measures and a means of managing the port economy. Neither one-size-fits-all nor hipster. From the perspective of the ports in the Yangtze River, in order to completely solve the contradictions between the two sides and change the factors that are not conducive to port economic development such as blockades and long-term management, under the precondition of decentralizing the city where the port is located, Good, but also more favorable. 1, separate understanding of government and enterprises. During the planned economic system, China’s economic activities ranged from macroscopic to microcosmic and were governed entirely by the government. Enterprises neither have the right to operate, but also have no autonomy. More no decision-making power. Enterprises are just an appendage of the government, of course, such government and enterprise should be separated. It should be pointed out that in the process of separating government from enterprises, such as the internal management of large and medium-sized enterprises, the administration and production and operation management of enterprises are also “separated from each other”