宣传继续教育 加强继续教育

来源 :继续医学教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jxdytmj
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献身继续教育事业和关心继续教育工作的各界人士,欣喜地获知:七届人大四次会议通过的国民经济和社会发展十年规划和第八个五年计划纲要,提出使我国经济成长逐步转到主要依靠科技进步和提高劳动者素质的轨道,并明确规定“加强专业技术人员的继续教育工作”。在国家的规划计划中正式写入继续教育的任务,这充分表明党中央、国务院对发展有中国特色的继续教育事业的高度重视,也给这项事业未来的蓬勃发展指明了努力方向。国际社会对如何既重视自然资源开发,又重视人力资源开发颇多讨论。不管如何,自然和人的关系随着经济竞争、科技竞争和 Those who devoted themselves to the cause of continuing education and who are concerned about continuing education are delightedly informed of the 10-year plan for national economic and social development and the outline for the 8th five-year plan adopted at the Fourth Session of the Seventh National People’s Congress, and proposed that the economic growth in our country should be gradually transferred to Mainly rely on scientific and technological progress and improve the quality of workers track, and clearly stipulates “to strengthen the professional and technical personnel of continuing education.” It formally included the task of continuing education in the planning of the country. This fully shows that the Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of continuing education with Chinese characteristics and pointed out the direction for its future vigorous development. The international community has given much discussion on how to attach importance to the development of natural resources while emphasizing the development of human resources. No matter what, the relationship between nature and human beings depends on economic competition, technological competition and
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