
来源 :干旱区研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aji_y
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对分布于新疆荒漠地区的密花柽柳开花物候、传粉及结实特性进行了比较研究。结果表明:①密花柽柳一年有2个独立的花期——春花期和夏花期;春花花期短,仅为11 d,为集中开花模式;夏花花期长,为69 d,但每天开花数量比春花期少,为持续开花模式。②春花和夏花都有自交亲和性,套袋实验表明,春花和夏花都能进行风媒传粉和虫媒传粉。③夏花期访花昆虫种类比春花期多,主要为小茧蜂和甲虫类昆虫,而春花期的主要访花昆虫为蜜蜂和食蚜蝇。④自然状况下春花期的结实率高于夏花期,春花期和夏花期果实的成熟期短,分别为12 d和7 d,能够快速产生种子,形成持续开花和持续散布种子的格局。密花柽柳特殊的两季开花结实特性作为植物对环境的一种适应方式,对于诠释荒漠地区植物特殊的适应机制具有重要价值。 A comparative study was conducted on the flowering phenology, pollination and fruiting characteristics of Tamarix chinensis distributed in the desert areas of Xinjiang. The results showed that: (1) There were two independent flowering stages, ie, spring flowering and summer flowering; the flowering period was only 11 days, and the flowering period was 69 days, but the flowering number per day Less than the spring flowering, flowering pattern for the continued. ② spring flowers and summer flowers have self-compatibility, bagging experiments show that both spring and summer flowers can be wind-pollinating and insect-pollination. ③ The species of pollinators in summer florescence were more than that in spring florescence, and the main pollinators were beetles and beetles, while the main pollinators in spring florescence were bees and hoverfly. (4) Under natural conditions, the seed setting rate of spring flowering stage was higher than that of summer flowering stage. The maturing period of spring flowering and summer flowering was short, which was 12 d and 7 d, respectively, which could quickly produce seeds and form the pattern of continuous flowering and continuous seed dispersal. As a plant adaptation to the environment, the special two-season flowering and fruiting characteristics of M. tamarissensis have important value for interpreting the special adaptation mechanism of plants in desert regions.
为了探讨臭柏Sabina vulgaris的耐旱机理,运用切枝蒸腾法,室内实验和野外调查相结合,测定了干旱胁迫条件下臭柏的气孔蒸腾和角质层蒸腾.室内实验是将臭柏插穗带往日本冈山大
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