齐头迈进 共创辉煌——淮南市与“淮南”舰

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市委书记、市双工委名誉主任陈世礼拥军优属、拥政爱民工作已经走过了60年的光辉历程,无论是在艰苦的战争年代,还是在社会主义建设时期,双拥工作紧紧围绕党和国家的中心任务,取得了历史性的成就。尤其是改革开放的新时期,双拥工作按照“三个代表”重要思想为指导,与时俱进,开拓创新,为推动经济社会发展,加强军政军民关系,维护社会稳定提供了强大的动力。淮南市的双拥工作紧随时代的脚步,党政军民共同努力,近13年来,五次荣获全省、四次荣获全国“双拥模范城”的荣誉称号。全市党政军民面对成绩和荣誉,没有丝毫松劲和懈怠,重新制定新的规划和目标,以更加高昂的政治热情,谱写新时代军爱民、民拥军、军民团结一家亲的新篇章。 Chen Shili, the city party committee secretary and honorary director of the Municipal Commission of Bi-city Work, has gone through 60 years of glorious journey of supporting the army and benefiting the people and benefiting the people. Both in the period of arduous warfare and during the period of socialist construction, the work of double-hugging has focused on the center of the party and the state Mission, made historic achievements. Especially in the new period of reform and opening up, in accordance with the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' the dual-support work is advancing with the times and pioneering and innovating, providing a powerful impetus for promoting economic and social development, strengthening the military-civil-military relations and maintaining social stability. Huainan's double-support work follows the trend of the times, with the joint efforts of the party, the government and the military. In the past 13 years, it has won four honorary titles including the “Double-support Model City” in the whole country. In the face of achievements and honors, the party, government, and the people in the city have not slackened their slightest slackness and re-formulated new plans and goals. With a higher political enthusiasm, they have compose a new chapter of the military, the people, the army and the army and the army.
我伫立在台下,心里忽然泛上一种感动。太阳每天都是新的,就让我在这似水流年的时光里,祈祷明天更加灿烂的阳光! I stood in the audience, my heart suddenly pan-touched.
本文以“歌娃”为研究对象,在梳理吉祥物的特征之后,概括出“歌娃”所蕴涵的文化价值、宣传价值与经济价值,并据此提出开辟广西南宁国际民歌节吉祥物“歌娃”的实践建议。 T
火车哐当,哐当,向故乡奔驰。你仿佛看到了那列火车,你也许就是挨窗坐着的那个人。  节日长假,大院里又有不少战友张罗着探家,望着他们拎着大包小包兴冲冲的神情,你的心像被什么深深触动。静静的书房,壁上是一张巨大的地图。手指沿着京沪铁路线移动,一个人怔怔地出神。呜,呜——地图上飘出汽笛的声音,你看到一列火车在地图上奔驰。  别忘了,向大娘问好。那是在哪里,那是什么时候?  1976年初春你到北京卫戍区当