春风化雨润万物 社区就业泽千家——涵江区涵西街道积极推进社区就业工作

来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanwan1984
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涵西街道位于商贸发达的涵江西城区,辖区面积2平方公里,人口3.46万人,2000年初以来,街道党政班子在市、区劳动部门的指导和协助下,认真贯彻落实省委提出“城市抓社区”的工作要求,积极探索社区就业新途径,采取灵活就业形式,启动社区就业工程,建立了以街道办事处为主体,以居民区委员会为基础,以社区企业为翼助的团结协作、齐抓共管、政群联动的社区就业新格局。一、强化“安置”意识,健全就业网络涵西街道虽然地处涵江商贸中心,因受全球经济不景气和国企转轨改制的影响,就业压力较大,每年都有300多名毕业生从校门走上社会,上百名职工从各种岗位下岗失业,给社会安定和稳定带来了极大影响。为此,街道党政班子把社区就业工作摆在社区建设的重要位置。为解决社区就业服务窗口问题,街道从旧城改造后的次街店面中调整18开间,分别为全街9个社区(村居)设立就业服务窗口,配备必要办公设施,安排专人具体负责,开通并公布社区就业服务热线电话,对条件较好的社区就业服务窗口配置电脑等现代化办公设备,形成市、区、 Hanxi Street is located in the well-developed commerce and trade in Hankou Xicheng District, an area of ​​2 square kilometers, population 34,600 people since the beginning of 2000, street party and government in the city, district labor department guidance and assistance, conscientiously implement the provincial party committee put forward “ City grasping community ”work requirements, and actively explore new ways of community employment, take the form of flexible employment, start community employment project, the establishment of a subdistrict office as the main body, based on neighborhood committees, community-based enterprises to help unity Collaboration, and make concerted efforts, the new pattern of community employment linkage between the government and the masses. First, to strengthen “resettlement ” awareness and improve employment network Although Hanxi Street is located in Hanjiang Business Center, due to the global economic downturn and restructuring of state-owned enterprises under the influence of employment pressure, each year more than 300 graduates From the school gate to society, hundreds of workers laid off from various posts and laid great roles in social stability and stability. To this end, the street party and government groups put the work of community employment in the community building an important position. In order to solve the problem of community employment service window, the streets adjusted 18 rooms in the sub-street stores after the renovation of the old city, set up employment service windows for 9 communities (village houses) in the entire street, equipped necessary office facilities, And publish the community employment service hotline, the better conditions for the employment service window configuration of computers and other modern office equipment, the formation of cities, districts,
本文从开发人才资源的重要意义入手 ,提出做好新时期人力资源开发工作的思路以及需要处理好的几个关系。 Starting from the significance of developing human resources,
想到威尼斯一游,你的脑海中会浮现出什么画面?毫无疑问你一定会想象自己乘坐浪漫的平底船,沿着窄窄的运河航行,从一座座别致的桥下穿梭 When you think of Venice, what pic
1886年8月,北洋水师结束了在朝鲜海域的演习,到日本长崎港补给保养。舰队装备精良,为首的铁甲舰定远、镇远由德国制造,号称“亚洲第一巨舰”。  8月13日,部分水兵登岸休闲。数名水兵跑到妓院嫖娼,由于语言不通,与店家发生争执,进而出手打坏了店内物品。两名警察赶到后,对店家有所袒护,双方再次发生斗殴,警察和水兵各有一人受伤。  北洋水师提督丁汝昌听说后,立即下令禁止水兵上岸。15日,他允许水兵上岸一