Adventure to the North Pole北极大冒险

来源 :阅读(快乐英语高年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mrsouth
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  Doctor Planet often takes his students to different places on Earth. Today, his polar bear friend, Fred, comes to visit him. Fred tells them many interesting things about the North Pole. Kids are very excited. So Doctor Planet decides to take them to the North Pole this time. Let’s go with them together and find out what they learn.
  On their way, Doctor Planet takes out a map and says,“Look, kids. Inside the yellow line is the North Pole. Thick ice is all over this place. In winter, there is almost no sunshine here. And it is very cold.”
  “We have thick fur to keep us warm. And we live happily here,”says Fred, “Eskimos and other animals also make their home in the North Pole.”
  “Tell us something about the animals here,”says one student.
  “Sure,”says Doctor Planet,“As you can see, there are many sea animals here. Penguins, sea lions, seagulls, white whales and some fish all live in the North Pole.”
  “You forgot Fred!”shouts one student.
  “Well, I will introduce myself,”says Fred.“We love eating meat. Sea lions are our favorite food. When we are born, we weigh 600g, but I’m 450kg now. We have a sharp sense of smell. And we are good at swimming.”
  At last, they go to a research station. Scientists from different countries are working here. A scientist tells them the Earth is becoming warmer now. So the ice becomes thinner. And many animals have to leave their home.
  “What can we do to help?”someone asks.
  “We have to protect the environment. So we can keep our Earth healthy,” says the scientist.“For example, tell your parents to drive your family car less. Don’t turn the air conditioner too low in summer.”
  “We will remember that. And we will tell others what we learn today!”shouts the students.
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