来源 :Chinese Journal of Reactive Polymers | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ymlazy63
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The dynamic competitive adsorption behaviors of different binary organic vapor mixtures on ACF-Ps under different operation conditions were investigated by gas chromatography in this paper. The studied mixtures included benzene/toluene, toluene/xylene, benzene/isopropylbenzene, ethyl acetate/toluene and benzene/ethyl acetate. Experimental results show that various ACF-Ps, as with ACF-W, can remove both vapors in binary vapor mixtures with over 99% of removal efficiency before the breakthrough point of the more weakly adsorbed vapor. In dynamic competitive adsorption, the more weakly adsorbed vapor not only penetrates early, but also will be displaced and desorbed consequently by stronger adsorbate and therefore produces a rolling up in the breakthrough curve. The ACF-Ps prepared at different temperatures have somewhat different adsorption selectivity. The feed concentration ratio of vapors, the length/diameter ratio and the thick of bed have effect on competitive adsorption. The competitive adsorption ability of a vapor is mainly related to its boiling point. Usually, the higher the boiling point, the stronger the vapor adsorbed on ACF-P. The dynamic competitive adsorption behaviors of different binary organic vapor mixtures on ACF-Ps under different operating conditions were investigated by gas chromatography in this paper. The learned formulas include benzene / toluene, toluene / toluene, toluene and benzene / ethyl acetate. Experimental results show that various ACF-Ps, with ACF-W, can remove both vapors in binary vapor mixtures with over 99% of removal efficiency before the breakthrough point of the more weakly adsorbed vapor. In dynamic competitive adsorption, the more weakly adsorbed vapor not only penetrates early, but also be displaced and desorbed than strongly adsorbate and therefore produces a rolling up in the breakthrough curve. The ACF-Ps prepared at different temperatures have somewhat different adsorption selectivity. The feed concentration ratio of vapors, the length / diameter ratio and the thick of bed have effect on competitive adsorption. The compet itive adsorption ability of a vapor is mainly related to its boiling point. the stronger the vapor adsorbed on ACF-P.
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