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随着中小学内部管理体制改革的深入,我们感到中小学校长队伍管理实行与行政挂钩的办法已越来越不适应学校管理的特点和实际。其弊端主要表现为:一是强化了官本位的意识,而且在上下管理关系上不顺,教育局业务科难以领导副处级以上的校长:二是学校按行政级别分成等级,阻碍了整体布局调整,干部只能往上提,不能向下调,不利于正常流动,难以加强簿弱学校领导班子的建设;三是干部之间缺乏激励机制,做好做坏一个样,滋长了工作一般化的惰性情绪。根据黄菊同志在市教育工作会议提出“加强中小学校长队伍建设,建立校长职级系列,并实行校长津贴制度”的指示精神,我们在区领导、区委组织部、区人事 With the deepening of the reform of the internal management system of primary and secondary schools, we feel that the method of linking the administration of primary and secondary school principals with the administration has become increasingly incompatible with the characteristics and reality of school management. The disadvantages are mainly manifested as follows: First, the official-level consciousness has been strengthened, and the management relationship between the upper and lower authorities is not smooth. It is difficult for the Bureau of Education of the Education Bureau to lead principals at or above the vice-department level. Second, schools are divided into grades according to administrative levels, which hinders the overall layout. Adjustment, cadres can only be mentioned upwards, and cannot be adjusted downwards, which is not conducive to normal flow, and it is difficult to strengthen the construction of the leadership group for the weak; the third is the lack of incentive mechanisms among the cadres to do a good job of doing a bad job, which breeds a general job. Inactive emotions. According to the instructions of Comrade Huang Ju at the Municipal Educational Work Conference, “Strengthening the Construction of the Principals of Primary and Secondary Schools, Establishing the Principal Ranks, and Implementing the Principal’s Subsidy System”, we are the leaders of the district, the organizational department of the district committee, and district personnel.
分析各种烃类同系物的通式 ,突破“共同组成”和揭示内涵规律 ,既可加深对中学有机化学基础知识的理解、掌握 ,又可提高分析推理与应用能力 ,达到顺畅推断烃的化学式及其结构
一、古文经典应该在阅读教学中占有极其重要的地位 什么叫经典?文学史家章培恒先生说:“能在漫长的世代、广袤的地域,给予众多读者以巨大的感动”的作品就是经典。古代经典