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著名诗人刘禹锡是引理入诗的杰出代表。他是中唐著名的唯物主义哲学家,诗中所含的哲理较一般的诗人更丰富,将深邃哲思通过独特的叙述方式表现出来:有时在吟咏山水景物时体悟人生哲理,揭示自然规律,展现天人合一;有时在描绘日常生活情景时展示心之真悟,表现智性魅力;有时在怀古伤今中反思历史现状,引为后世之鉴。刘禹锡在哲理叙述方面的探索与创新意义重大。在中国古典诗歌发展史中,不仅是对魏晋时期哲理诗的革新与开拓,更是对主理宋诗产生重要的嫡缘性影响。 Liu Yuxi, a famous poet, is an outstanding representative of the poem. He is a famous materialistic philosopher in the middle of Tang Dynasty. His poems contain more philosophies than the average poets. His profound philosophies are manifested through unique narration. Sometimes he comprehends the philosophy of life when revealing landscapes and reveals the laws of nature, Showing the unity of man and nature; sometimes depicting the scene of everyday life to show the true realization of the heart, the performance of intellectual charm; sometimes in the nostalgic injury to reflect on the historical status quo, cited for future generations. Liu Yuxi’s philosophical narrative exploration and innovation are of great significance. In the history of the development of classical Chinese poetry, not only the reform and opening up of the philosophical poems during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, but also the important influence of managing the Song poetry.
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