紐約聯合國秘書長哈馬舍爾德先生並轉安全理事會主席貝朗德先生: 一九五五年一月三十一日關於聯合國安全理事會第六九○次會議情况的來電收到。美國對中國的領土台灣的侵略,一直是造成遠東緊張局勢的根源。最近,美國在同蒋介石賣國集團簽訂了所謂「共同防禦條約」以後,增派大批海空軍到台灣和台灣海峽地區,公開對中國人民進行戰爭威脅和戰爭挑釁,準備擴大對中國的侵略,更加加劇了
Mr. Hamaseld, Secretary-General of New York, United Nations, and to Mr. Bellud, President of the Security Council: receipt of the televised message of the 69th meeting of the United Nations Security Council on January 31, 1955. The U.S. aggression against China’s territory of Taiwan has always been the root cause of tensions in the Far East. Recently, the United States, after signing the so-called “common defense treaty” with the Chiang Kai-shek traitorous group, has sent large numbers of navy and air force units to Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait to openly provoke the Chinese people in their war of threats and war and to expand their aggression against China even more. It’s