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您在家庭中用水果和蔬菜调制果汁,其味道和色泽比在市场上买到的果汁更加鲜美诱人。自己制作果汁,可把不同的原料和调料混合起来,进行大胆试验。还可根据季节变化,用某种最便宜、数量最充足的水果、蔬菜作为果汁原料。调制果汁还是为 You make fruit juices in your home with fruits and vegetables, which are more appealing and tasteful than the ones you buy on the market. Make your own juice, you can mix different raw materials and seasoning, bold test. Can also be based on seasonal changes, with some of the cheapest, the most abundant quantities of fruits and vegetables as raw material juice. Modulated juice or for
原料:土豆500克,干面粉100克,桂花、白糖、芝麻、熟猪油各少许,花生油500克(实 Ingredients: 500 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of dried flour, sweet-scented osmanthus
吃,是生活中绝对重要的内容之一.但如果一个人光知道吃,而不善于“不吃”或“少吃”,那末. Eating is one of the most important aspects of life, but if one does not k
灌肠是一种多样化的大众熟肉制品.灌肠的品种较多,有肉肠、粉肠、红肠、香雪肠、 Enema is a variety of popular cooked meat products. Enema more varieties, sausage,
当前,欧美许多国家,人们尝到常食用过分精细的食物带来的苦头,因此玉米已成为一种热门保健食品.新兴的玉米食品,种类繁多, At present, many countries in Europe and the
当你来到湖南省通道侗族自治县时,到处都可以闻到诱人的姜香.自古以来,这里就享有“生姜之乡”的美誉.生姜富含人体所 When you come to the Tongdao Dong Autonomous Coun
1 苏州城里的几家面店一过立夏.都会挂出供应“白汤面” 的牌子.说起“白汤面”的来历.这其中还有一番曲折呢! A few noodle shop in Suzhou City, the beginning of a sum
青年电影演员赵静在影片《车水马龙》和《街上流行红裙子》中的表演,得到了观众的好评,为了使自己艺术上更成熟,她考取了北京电影学院.她现在是一名普通的大学生. Zhao Jing
●消暑冷食西瓜●●冻枸杞西瓜鸡●●●清淡爽口瓜皮菜 西瓜冻,在孔府曾叫西瓜糕,是夏日冷食.制作时选用 ● refreshing cold watermelon ● ● ● ● ● cold water chest
一般来说,水产肉禽罐头发热量大,易于吸收,可直接食用,也可与青菜再加工成热 In general, aquatic cans of heavy heat, easy to absorb, can be eaten directly, but also