宫运珍药 还之于民

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中国的传统医学,是中华民族优秀文化遗产中的一颗灿烂明珠,早在两千年前就有医书问世。到了清代(一六四四——一九一一年)更为发达。清代宫廷医案,就是我国医学宝库中的一份珍贵的遗产。清代宫廷医案及宫中常用配方,是历代皇帝和后妃们用过的,其数量相当可观。北京中医研究院西苑医院副院长陈可冀研究员和周文泉副主任、李春生主治医师以及其他中西医专家、清史档案专家和有关人员,花了四年时间,对浩如烟海的宫廷医案悉心整理钻研,研制出一批成药,经临床验证。对老年人的一些衰老症状,老年人常患的肥胖症、高脂血症、肾虚症及脾虚症等有良好的疗效。 China’s traditional medicine is a splendid pearl in the outstanding cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. As early as two thousand years ago, medical books came out. To the Qing Dynasty (1644 - 1911) is more developed. Qing court medical records, is China’s medical treasure in a precious legacy. The court case of the Qing court and the recipe commonly used in the palace, is used by successive emperors and concubines, its number is considerable. Chen Keji, vice president of Xiyuan Hospital of Beijing Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Zhou Wenquan, deputy director, attending physician Li Chunsheng and other experts in traditional Chinese and Western medicine, Qing archive experts and related personnel, spent four years on the vast palace of the medical case carefully finishing research, Developed a group of drugs, the clinical validation. Some of the elderly symptoms of aging, the elderly often suffer from obesity, hyperlipidemia, kidney deficiency syndrome and spleen deficiency have a good effect.
下面的食品对肿瘤术后或因肿瘤放疗、化疗的病人,有一定效果,有条件者不妨一试. The following food on the tumor after surgery or due to tumor radiotherapy and chemo
裹着吃:用粢饭、薄饼、糯米团裹老油条(隔夜油条回锅再炸),再加各种调料,香脆 Wrapped in: eat rice, pancakes, glutinous rice balls wrapped in fritters (overnight fr
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原料:土豆500克,干面粉100克,桂花、白糖、芝麻、熟猪油各少许,花生油500克(实 Ingredients: 500 grams of potatoes, 100 grams of dried flour, sweet-scented osmanthus
吃,是生活中绝对重要的内容之一.但如果一个人光知道吃,而不善于“不吃”或“少吃”,那末. Eating is one of the most important aspects of life, but if one does not k
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