Documentary Summary Case Study: March 9, 1993, 16-year-old girl Rose and her classmates went to the Minneapolis Spring Festival. On the morning of March 10, Rose and his classmates were scattered in the jungle and then disappeared. Five days later, on the brink of inhumanity, the police uncovered Rose’s body. Sola police after field investigation concluded: Rose is lost after the lost cliff. Rose’s father does not believe this conclusion. At his plea, 23-year-old criminal police Michael surveyed the scene. He pointed out four doubts: first, the cliff above the piece of soft mud, Rose wearing high heels. If Rose is falling from above, it is bound to leave the impression of high heels in the mud. However, there is no footprint on the mud. Second, the cliffs are dense vegetation, Rose Rose accidentally slipped from the cliff, out of the survival of this