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对350例早期乳腺癌,研究组织学有或无淋巴结侵犯的病人的疾病进展,来比较用于临床Ⅰ或Ⅱ期乳腺癌的两种治疗方法:一组于单纯乳房切除术后作放射治疗(放疗);一组于切除术后采用保守疗法(保疗)。病例系任意分配,“放疗”组淋巴结组织学阴性的86例,阳性89例;“保疗”组阴性81例,阳性94例。初步研究结果发现,在单纯乳房切除术后五年的随访中,术后作一疗程放射治疗以破坏乳房局部和该区淋巴结恶性细胞的第一法与术后采取保守治疗以保全机体自然防御机制的第二法,在淋巴结组织学阴性和阳性病例的存活率、局部复发率和 For 350 cases of early-stage breast cancer, the disease progression of patients with or without lymph node involvement histology was studied to compare two treatment methods for stage I or stage II breast cancer: One group was treated with radiation therapy after simple mastectomy ( Radiotherapy); one group used conservative therapy (preservation) after resection. The cases were randomly assigned. In the “radiotherapy” group, 86 cases were negative for histologically negative lymph nodes, and 89 cases were positive; the “protective therapy” group was negative in 81 cases and positive in 94 cases. The preliminary findings showed that after a simple follow-up of 5 years after mastectomy, a first course of postoperative radiotherapy was performed to destroy the local area of ​​the breast and the malignant cells in the lymph nodes. The first method and postoperative conservative treatment were adopted to preserve the natural defense mechanism of the body. Of the second method, the survival rate, local recurrence rate, and the histologically negative and positive cases of lymph nodes
为了探讨鼻咽癌的复发和转移规律,现收集我院1971~1972年间经根治性放疗的78例Ⅰ期鼻咽癌病例进行分析。随诊率为100%。 In order to investigate the recurrence and metast
The Cask of Amontillado is a short story written by Edgar Allen Poe, first published in the November 1846. This story is about the narrator Montresor’s deadly
近年来对镉(Cd)与慢性疾患的关系进行了一系列研究。Cd 在人体内的功能尚不明,它广泛分布于人体各组织中。Cd是许多食物、纸烟和空气污染的组成成分,可通过消化道和呼吸道两
纵隔食管囊肿比较少见,多无症状。现简要报告一例诊断及治疗经过。 病例报告 患者女,36岁,农民。入院前两个月开始嚥下食物有梗噎感,伴有磨擦样刺疼,硬食尤为明显。经河南医