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党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央从制定和执行中央八项规定破题,推动党风、政风和社会风气不断好转,带动管党治党全面从严,增强了党的凝聚力、向心力,密切了党同人民群众的血肉联系。五年来,习近平总书记以身作则、率先垂范,中央政治局带头严格执行中央八项规定,以行动作无声的命令,以身教作执行的榜样,形成“头雁效应”。各级党组织扛起政治责任,扭住落实中央八项规定精 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made a breakthrough in formulating and implementing the eight provisions of the Central Government, pushing forward the improvement of the party style, political atmosphere and social ethos, driving the party in charge of party administration to be fully and strictly enforced and strengthening the party’s Cohesion and solidarity, closely linked with the flesh and blood of the people and the masses. Over the past five years, General Secretary Xi Jinping set an example by example and took the lead in setting the example. The Central Political Bureau took the lead in strictly implementing the eight provisions of the Central Government, taking action as a silent order and training himself as an example of implementation so as to form a “geese” effect. Party organizations at all levels have shouldered political responsibilities and twisted themselves into implementing the eight provisions of the Central Government
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苏珍关心老人精神生活,每招每式都和他们的思绪贴得很紧很紧,通过办好一件件具体而实在的事,给老人们送去了莫大的人生慰籍…… 双目失明的曾向芹、萧正负等十几位老人,几十
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