Statistical characteristics and effects of polarization mode dispersion in dispersion managed solito

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shmily8318
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Firstly,the JME(Jones matrix eigen) method is used to simulate the statistical characteristics of first- and second-order PMD in dispersion management system.Then,with help of the CNLSE (coupled nonlinear Schrdinger equations),the effects of PMD on DMS (dispersion managed soliton) transmission is studied with a variational method.The simplified relationships of the statistical parameters of second-order and first-order of PMD in dispersion management system have been gotten,from which the detailed information of second-order can be obtained,if the condition of DGD is given.The results have shown that the first and second-order PMD (polarization mode dispersion) vectors influence the evolution of energy and Mean square of time displacement of DMS in high-speed bit rates systems.When D~ 1 st _ PMD >0.3 ps/km~1/2 ,we must consider some means of control(for example the filter) to restrain the PMD. Firstly, the JME (Jones matrix eigen) method is used to simulate the statistical characteristics of first- and second-order PMD in dispersion management system.Then, with help of the CNLSE (coupled nonlinear Schrdinger equations), the effects of PMD on DMS (dispersion managed soliton) transmission is studied with a variational method. The simplified relationships of the statistical parameters of second-order and first-order of PMD in dispersion management system have been gotten, from which the detailed information of second-order can be obtained , if the condition of DGD is given. The results have shown that the first and second-order PMD (polarization mode dispersion) vectors influence the evolution of energy and Mean square of time displacement of DMS in high-speed bit rates systems. Shen D ~ 1 st _ PMD> 0.3 ps / km ~ 1/2, we must consider some means of control (for example the filter) to restrain the PMD.
Quantum digital signature is the quantum scenario of classical digital signature.It makes use of quantum effects to provide unconditionally secure signature.We
目的:探究综合护理干预在脑卒中继发癫痫中的护理效果.方法:病例选取时间:2018 年 3 月-2019 年 5 月,共选取本科室 64 例脑卒中继发癫痫患者进行此次研究,选用电脑随机数字法