
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swatsee
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长期以来,片面追求升学率的倾向困扰着中小学教育。如何克服片面追求升学率的倾向,减轻学生过重负担,促进他们全面发展,由应试教育转到素质教育的轨道上来,是当前迫切需要解决的问题。近几年来,一些地方通过改革初、高中招生制度,作为解决这一问题的重要措施,取得了一定进展,积累了一些经验。例如,沈阳市综合改革、综合治理初中招生制度,两年来,7万余名城区小学毕业生全部按规定就近对口直升初中,取得了社会稳定、学生、家长、学校基本满意的可喜效果;山东招远和辽宁营口积极探索改革高中招生制度,变升学竞争为办学水平的竞争,打破了把考试分数作为评价学校工作好坏和学生水平高低的唯一标准的框框,使一般初中稳定,办学积极性和管理水平得到提高,推动了九年义务教育的实施。为了全面贯彻教育方针,促使全体学生生动活泼地全面发展,当前必须认真进行考试制度、升学制度的改革。沈阳、招远、营口等地改革招生制度的经验值得借鉴。 For a long time, the unilateral pursuit of higher education rates has plagued primary and secondary education. How to overcome the tendency of unilaterally pursuing higher education rates, reduce the overburdened burden on students, promote their all-round development, and turn from exam-oriented education to quality education, is an issue that needs to be resolved urgently. In recent years, some localities have made some progress in accelerating the enrollment system at the beginning of the reform and high school education as an important measure to solve this problem and have accumulated some experience. For example, in Shenyang, comprehensive reform and comprehensive management of the junior secondary school enrollment system, in the past two years, more than 70,000 primary school graduates have all been up to junior high schools in accordance with regulations, and have achieved satisfactory results in social stability, students, parents, and schools; Zhaoyuan and Liaoning Yingkou actively explored and reformed the high school enrollment system. Competition for changing the competition for higher education to the level of running schools broke the frame that the exam score was the only criterion for evaluating the quality of school work and the level of students, making the general junior high school stable, and enthusiasm for running schools. The management level has been improved and the implementation of nine-year compulsory education has been promoted. In order to implement the education policy in an all-round way and urge all students to develop in a lively and lively manner, reform of the examination system and the system for further studies must be seriously carried out. The experience of reforming the enrollment system in Shenyang, Zhaoyuan, and Yingkou is worth learning from.
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[摘要]我国目前采用“逐个立法”的方式来处理国际公约与国内法之间的关系。这种处理方式极大地浪费了立法资源。在吸取“逐个立法”的实践经验的基础上,我国宜在宪法中增设“国际条约之效力”的规定;对于国际人权公约中具有完整性和可操作性的规范而言,可以采取直接适用的方式来实施;对于不具有直接适用可能性的国际人权公约规范来说,只能采取“转换模式”将其具体要求体现和渗透在立法中。  [关键词]国际人权B公约;刑
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