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在引证论述大气季节内振荡(ISO)对暴雨(强降水)重要作用的基础上,概括性地回顾影响长江流域持续暴雨的大气ISO基本特征及其形成机制的主要成果。重点针对全球热带内外不同时间尺度的大气ISO的空间变化和年际变化与长江流域持续暴雨之间联系的研究工作进行总结评述,较为完整地总结长江流域夏季降水季节内变化的气候特征和全球不同空间和时间尺度的ISO对东亚副热带地区持续暴雨影响的已有认识,并结合2个半球的ISO与长江流域持续暴雨关系的研究现状,对未来暴雨(强降水)与不同时尺度ISO相互作用及其在10~30d延伸期预报中的应用中有价值的科学问题和研究热点进行探讨,以期强调南半球ISO变化在全球和东亚副热带气候系统中的重要地位,提高夏季长江流域持续暴雨10~30d延伸期预报和旱涝气候预测准确率,“,”Based on citations of important impacts of the atmospheric Intraseasonal Oscillation (ISO) on heavy rainfall, the main characteristics and mechanisms of atmospheric ISO associated with the continuous heavy rainfall over the Yangtze River Valley (YRV) in China are reviewed in summary. Research on the spatial and interannual variations of the global atmospheric ISO patterns and their relationships to the continuous heavy rainfall over YRV are emphatically discussed and comments are given. We try to completely summarize the understanding of the climate characteristics of the rain ISO over YRV and the influences of the different tropical and extratropical ISO patterns on persistent heavy rains over East Asia subtropical region. Moreover, combined with the research level of the connections between ISO of both hemispheres and continuous heavy rainfall over YRV, some valuable scientific issue and potential research topics in future studies for the interactions between the different time scales ISO and persistent heavy rains and the extended-range forecast of the strong precipitation over YRV are also discussed in order to emphasize the roles of the ISO in Southern Hemisphere on the climate system of the global and East Asia subtropical region. These studies might therefore provide valuable information for the extended-range forecast of the heavy precipitation process during the 10 -30 days and climate predictions of drought and flood over YRV.