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■我们党历经革命、建设和改革,党的历史方位发生两大转变:一是从领导人民为夺取全国政权而奋斗的党,成为领导人民掌握全国政权并长期执政的党;二是从受到外部封锁和实行计划经济条件下领导国家建设的党,成为对外开放和发展社会主义市场经济条件下领导国家建设的党。由于这两大转变,使加强执政能力建设的任务显得十分重要和紧迫。■十六大强调了执政的几个方面的能力,包括驾驭市场经济的能力、科学判断形势的能力、依法执政的能力、处理复杂局面的能力等,这次全会的公报从社会、经济、政治、文化、国际等五个方面执政能力作了阐述。以前强调的五个方面的能力,可以理解为领导班子和领导者个人的能力。而现在,强调的党的整体能力、强调制度的设计,将突出党的整体执政能力的提高,这非常让人期待。 ■ Our party has undergone two major changes in the historical orientation of the party after its revolution, construction and reform. First, the party that has led the people in their struggle to seize the power of the entire country has become the party that leads the people in holding the national power and has long been in power. Second, To block and implement the party leading the construction of the country under the conditions of a planned economy has become the party that leads the nation in opening up to the outside world and developing the socialist market economy. Due to these two major changes, the task of strengthening the construction of governing capability has become very important and urgent. ■ The 16th CPC National Congress emphasized the capabilities of several aspects of governance, including the ability to control the market economy, the ability to judge the situation scientifically, the ability to govern in accordance with the law, and the ability to deal with complex situations. The communique of the plenum, from the aspects of social, economic and political , Culture, international and other aspects of the governing capacity made elaboration. The five abilities previously emphasized can be understood as the abilities of the leadership and the individual leader. Nowadays, stressing the party’s overall ability and emphasizing the design of the system will highlight the enhancement of the party’s overall ability to govern. This is very much looking forward to.
一、“三个代表”重要思想是对马克思主义的新发展 (一)“三个代表”重要思想坚持马克思主义的世界观和方法 论,创造性地运用它们分析当今世界和中国的实际,为我们在新 的时