发挥桥梁作用 促进科技成果转化──记前进中的北方技术交易市场北方技术交易市场是国家科委与天津市人民政府联建的国家级大型常设技术市场,座落在天津新技术产业园区内,是我国北方重要的科技成果信息集散地和技术交易中心。该市场自1995’年3月1日开业以来,艰...
Play a bridge role to promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements ─ ─ remember the progress of the northern technology market Northern technology exchange market is the State Science and Technology Commission and Tianjin Municipal People’s Government jointly established a large state-level permanent technology market, located in Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park, It is an important distributing center for information on scientific and technological achievements and a technology trading center in northern China. The market since March 1, 1995 ’s opening, the difficulties ...