A novel hybrid surface micromachined segmented mirror for large aperture laser applications

来源 :Chinese Optics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:k1389520
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A novel hybrid surface micromachined segmented mirror array is described. This device is capable of scaling to large apertures for correcting time-varying aberrations in laser applications. Each mirror is composed of bottom electrode, support pan, and mirror plate, in which a T-shaped beam structure is used to support the mirror plate. It can provide mirror with vertical movement and rotation around two horizontal axes. The test results show that the maximum deflection along the vertical direction of the mirror plate is 2μm, while the rotation angles around x and y axes are±2.3°and±1.45°, respectively. A novel hybrid surface micromachined segmented mirror array is described. This device is capable of scaling to large apertures for correcting time-varying aberrations in laser applications. Each mirror is composed of a bottom electrode, a support pan, and a mirror plate, shaped beam structure is used to support the mirror plate. It can provide mirror with vertical movement and rotation around two horizontal axes. The test results show that the maximum deflection along the vertical direction of the mirror plate is 2μm while while the rotation angles around x and y axes are ± 2.3 ° and ± 1.45 °, respectively.
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