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杉木作为一种速生丰产的优良树种,在我省许多地区都进行了栽培种植。杉木适应性强,生长迅速,中心产区20年左右即可成材利用,价值很高。如何种好杉木,除选择好地势、土壤、气候条件及搞好抚育管理外,病虫害的防治工作同样不可忽视。如杉木炭疽病几乎遍及杉木栽植区,是杉木生产的一大病害。现将防治此类病的方法简介如下。移木炭疽病发病期在每年杉木新梢开始萌发的春季和初夏。虽然不同龄级的新老针叶和嫩梢都可能发病,但以次年生的梢头受害最重。通常是枝梢顶芽以下约10厘米内的针叶首先发病枯萎,这种现象称为“颈枯型”,是杉木炭疽病的典型症状。幼树主梢以下1一3轮枝盘最易感病,病菌先从针叶开 Cunninghamia lanceolata, a fine tree species with fast growing and high yield, has been planted and cultivated in many areas in our province. Chinese fir adaptability, rapid growth, the central producing areas can be used for about 20 years, high value. How to grow good fir, in addition to select the topography, soil, climate conditions and do a good job of tending and management, the prevention and treatment of pests and diseases can not be ignored. Cunninghamia lanceolata such as almost all over the planting area of ​​cedar, fir is a major disease. The prevention and cure of such diseases are summarized below. The onset of anthracnose in the beginning of the annual shoots of Chinese fir shoots begin in spring and early summer. Although different age classes of old and new needles and young shoots are likely to occur, but in the next year’s shoots the most victims. It is usually the top of shoots about 10 cm below the first needle withered senescence, a phenomenon known as “neck type” is a typical symptom of Chinese fir anthracnose. The main shoots of young trees the following 1 to 3 rounds of the most susceptible to disease, bacteria first from the needles open
本文简单地介绍了声乐演唱中情感表达的概念和特点,表明情感表达在声乐演唱中的重要地位,并对如何通过情感表达诠释声乐意境进行了分析。 This article briefly introduces
碘酒,是一种强力消毒防腐剂。适用于粘膜以外的受各种感染的皮肤消毒。但因碘酒对皮肤有烧灼作用,所以切莫反复涂抹。此外,碘酒不能与红药水同时混用,否则,会产 Iodine is
桂花 Osmanthus fragrans(Thunb.)Lour.是一种主要园林栽培花木。近年来,点尺蛾Naxa angustaria Leech对其为害日益严重。为摸索有效的防治方法,1979年以来作者对该虫进行了
阿司匹林 该药被称为名副其实的灵药。它能退热、消炎,减轻头痛、关节炎以及其他痛症,而且由于能对血小板发生作用,甚至能减少血栓塞的机会,从而可以预防心脏病和中风。但阿
(二)血小板制剂 1、浓缩血小板制备方法三联袋采集400ml全血,经轻离心,使血小板悬浮于血浆中,移出白膜层以上血浆再次离心,使血小板沉集于血浆底部,移出上层血浆,保 (B) pl