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本文概述扬州南宋堡城和宝祐城的相关文献记载及已有考古发掘研究,对《(嘉靖)惟扬志》和《(嘉庆)重修扬州府志》中“宋大城图”和“宋三城图”进行比较,通过文献地图和现代地形图、航片、卫星遥感图等的比照,结合文献记载和考古发掘结果,就扬州南宋堡城和宝祐城的沿革发展等作初步研究。研究揭示,其发展沿革可以划分为堡寨(砦)城、宝祐城、“大城”三个阶段;宝祐城东西两座城门外侧、城圈拐角以及西南平山堂等处的现有地势地貌,与文献地图“宋三城图”中所绘宝祐城面貌近似;宝祐城和平山堂城外围可见的土垄,很可能是南宋宝祐城外围的另一圈防御体系;宝祐城西城墙外两道水沟之间的高地,是宝祐城西瓮城和平山堂城的连结通道。南宋时期扬州宋三城格局形成后,平山堂城作为宝祐城的一个组成部分,又具有相对独立性。 This paper summarizes the related literature records and the research on the archaeological excavations of Fort Yangcheng and Baoyou City of Yangzhou in the Song Dynasty. Through comparison of literature maps and modern topographic maps, aerial photos and satellite remote sensing images, the author first makes a preliminary study on the evolution and development of Yangzhou Southern Song Dynasty Fortress City and Baoyou City based on the records of literature and archaeological excavations . The study reveals that its development and evolution can be divided into three stages: the Fortress Village, Baoyou City and the “Ayutthaya”; the existing two outer gates of the Baoyou City, the corner of the city circle, and the Panshan Church in the southwest Topography and landform, and the literature map “Song three city plans ” painted Baucau city looks similar; Baoyou City Peace Hill outside the city can be seen around the ridge, it is likely to be the outer circle of the Southern Song Dynasty Bao Youcheng another circle of defense system; treasure Utah City West Wall outside the two ditches between the highlands, is the city of Ubud Bao City blessing Mountain Hall connecting the channel. After the formation of the pattern of the three cities of Song and Song Dynasties in Southern Song Dynasty, Pingshan Dangcheng was relatively independent as an integral part of Baoyou City.
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