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在伊犁河畔,一个叫“南岗”的地方矗立着一座拥有3条水泥生产线的大型水泥厂一一伊犁南岗水泥厂。谁也不会想到,14年前,它还只是一个年产5万吨水泥、总资产1753万元、净资产480万元的名不见经传的小型水泥厂。如今,它已是年产水泥20万吨,总资产1.2亿元、净资产4739万元、连续14年盈利被列入全疆建材“十强”的绩优企业。这神奇的变化得益于什么?南岗水泥厂的经验也许值得在市场浪潮中搏击的企业家们借鉴。“快”与“变”南岗水泥厂自建厂以来,咬准“科技”不放松,“改革不停,技改不断”。建厂14年,大大小小技改近百次,投入近亿元,企业快速发展的过程就是不断技改变化的过程。设备科长张斌说:“我们看到不足 On the Ili River, a place called “Nangang” stands a large-scale cement plant with three cement production lines—the Yili Nangang Cement Factory. No one would have thought that 14 years ago, it was only a small cement factory with an annual output of 50,000 tons of cement, total assets of 17.53 million yuan, and net assets of 4.8 million yuan. Today, it is an excellent company with an annual output of 200,000 tons of cement, total assets of 120 million yuan, net assets of 47.39 million yuan, and 14 consecutive years of profitability being listed as a top ten building material company in Xinjiang. What’s the benefit of this magical change? The experience of Nangang Cement Factory may be worth learning from the entrepreneurs fighting in the market tide. ”Quick“ and ”Change“ Nangang Cement Factory since the plant was built, bite quasi”technology“ does not relax, ”reform never stops, technical reform constantly“. In the 14 years since the establishment of the factory, nearly a hundred technical transformations have been carried out at large and small scales, and nearly a hundred million yuan have been invested. The process of rapid enterprise development is the process of continuous technological change. Zhang Bin, Chief of Equipment, said: ”We have seen insufficient
据《Iron & Steelmaker》提供的最新消息,1999年10月,澳大利亚 BHP 公司条形产品分公司怀阿拉厂高炉产铁创造了新的世界纪录。该高炉内容积为1543m~3,已连续运行18.8年,生产
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女士们,先生们,您们好! 在这样的场合我总是感到遗憾的是我讲不了中文,我只能听其他先生们、女士们讲中文。西门子同中国的合作可以追溯到一百多年前,西门子自动化与驱动部
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各位专家、先生们、女士们: 首先我代表研华(中国)有限公司全体员工庆贺中国机电一体化技术应用协会成立十周年。我主要讲三点: 1 发展的研华公司研华公司创办于1983年,主要
2000年7月6日世界工业自动化领域重要力量之一的ODVA 组织在北京举行的’2000中国国际现场总线技术交流会暨展览会上宣布在中国成立分会,标志着该组织正式进入中国市场。新