At first glance,Japan astonishes and fascinates the American becauseit seems so different.All that characterizes the United States--~*racialand ethnic heterogeneity,newness,vast territory,and ~*individualisticethic--is absent in Japan.Instead one encounters an ancient and ~*homo-geneous population,traditions that emphasize the importance of groupsand communal needs,with a ~*rich panoply of highly elaborate rites andceremonies that cover every aspect of daily living,from drinking teato saying hello.
At first glance, Japan astonishes and fascinates the American because it seems so different.All that characterizes the United States--~racialand ethnic heterogeneity,newness,vast territory,and ~*individualisticethic--is absent in Japan.Instead one encounters an ancient And ~*homo-geneous population,traditions that emphasize the importance of groupsand communal needs, with a ~*rich panoply of highly highly rites andceremonies that cover every aspect of daily living,from drinking teato saying hello.