Patient male, 31 years old, hospital ad 124272. After 11 days of cold, body aches, chills, fever, dry cough, fatigue, anorexia, nausea, chlorosis, streptomycin treatment ineffective. Left lower chest pain 6 days ago, the chest photo shows a large pleural effusion on the left and in February 11, 1982 admission. In the past no tuberculosis, history of hepatitis. Physical examination: body temperature 39 ℃, pulse 100 beats / min, blood pressure 100/70 mm Hg. There are 3 spider nevus on the neck. Right trachea, left thoracic and scapular fifth rib and turbid below, breath sounds disappear, heart (-). 1.5 cm under the liver ribs, tender tenderness, 1 cm under the splenic ribs, signs of ascites (-), test: white blood cells 10000, 69% neutral, lymph, 14%, 17% of the large single nucleus. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 41 mm / h, liver function: musk turbidity 6 units, Musk Xu ++. Pleural effusion was yellow, clot, protein