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2004年4月底,欧盟对原产于我国的手动液压托盘车启动了反倾销调查。5月2日,商务部、中国机电商会在宁波召集涉案企业参加紧急会议。诺力机械股份有限公司(以下简称诺力)是生产手动液压托盘车的最大厂商。10月,欧盟公布初裁决定,诺力被初裁定为35.9%的高额倾销税率。2005年7月,欧盟终裁决定,给予诺力市场经济地位,终裁税率大幅下降至7.6%。15个月,变化倏忽。诺力的税率获下调是经过一番法律应诉的结果。精神可嘉,经验可贵。产品出口企业遭遇反倾销并非罕见。据悉,1979-1998年20年间,欧盟对中国产品立案调查达69起,其中1979-1988年10年间只有23起,而1989-1998年则高达46起,这意味着后10年是前10年的2倍。至2000年底,欧盟对我国商品提出反倾销调查达99起。2002年中国加入世贸组织后,随着欧盟市场对中国的进一步开放和中国出口贸易的进一步发展,欧盟对中国产品的反倾销打击力度只会加强,而不会减弱。截至2004年底,欧盟对中国产品反倾销调查达一百三十余起。中国将成为欧盟反倾销立案调查的最大目标。目前,欧盟对中国实行特殊的反倾销机制,企业只有在达到其规定的相关标准才可享受市场经济地位。如何积极而有效地了解欧盟反倾销法的基本概念、基本程序等内容,以防范和应对欧盟反倾销调查,将是中国出口企业今后必须面对的一个课题。在国际贸易争端日渐显现的今天,作为我国工程机械行业首次遭受国外反倾销调查的个例,诺力的积极应对与抗争绝不仅仅是供我们欣赏和模拟的“样本”,它以其自身真切的经历阐释了中国企业海外沉浮的别样精神。 At the end of April 2004, the EU launched an anti-dumping investigation on hand-pallet trucks native to China. May 2, the Ministry of Commerce, China Chamber of Commerce in Ningbo convened enterprises involved in emergency meetings. Connaught Machinery Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Connaught force) is the largest manufacturer of manual hydraulic pallet trucks. In October, the EU announced its preliminary ruling that Nuo Li was initially convicted of a high dumping rate of 35.9%. July 2005, the EU final ruling decided to give Connaught market economy status, the final tax rate dropped sharply to 7.6%. 15 months, change suddenly ignorant. Connaught tax rate is lowered after a number of legal respondents. Fantastic, valuable experience. It is not uncommon for exporters to encounter anti-dumping duties. It is reported that in the 20 years between 1979 and 1998, the EU filed 69 investigations on Chinese products, of which there were only 23 in 10 years from 1979 to 1988 and up to 46 in 1989 to 1998, which means that the last 10 years are the first 10 years 2 times. By the end of 2000, the EU had filed 99 anti-dumping investigations on Chinese goods. After China joined the WTO in 2002, with the further opening up of the EU market to China and the further development of China’s export trade, the anti-dumping crackdown on Chinese products by the EU will only intensify and will not weaken. By the end of 2004, the EU had over 130 anti-dumping investigations on Chinese products. China will become the EU’s largest anti-dumping investigation. At present, the EU imposes a special anti-dumping mechanism on China, and enterprises can enjoy market economy status only when they meet the relevant standards set by them. How to actively and effectively understand the basic concepts, basic procedures and other contents of EU anti-dumping law so as to prevent and respond to EU anti-dumping investigations will be an issue China’s export enterprises must face in the future. As international trade disputes are increasingly appearing today, as the first case of China’s construction machinery industry suffering from foreign anti-dumping investigations, the active response and resistance of Connaught Power is by no means merely a “sample” for us to appreciate and simulate. Experience illustrates the different spirit of Chinese enterprises overseas ups and downs.
阅读是人类最古老的活动之一,电子杂志作为媒介、技术体系、虚拟社会和经营平台等等多种属性的统一体,从根本上改变了阅读的形式,为受众带来了全新的传播载体与传播情境。  电