1 1949年,在中国这块土地上出现了前所未有的大事,发生了翻天覆地的变化.当人民解放军以不可阻挡之势解放了长江以北广大地区、国内形势急转直下之时,蒋介石被迫通电下野,把副总统李宗仁推上了前台.面对当前的严峻形势,李宗仁踌躇满志,试图与中国共产党“划江而治”,积极准备和平谈判.为了早日实现全国人民的安定和平,中国共产党答应了李宗仁的和谈要求.同年4月,以张治中为团长的国民党代表团来到
When the People’s Liberation Army liberated the vast area north of the Yangtze River and the situation in the interior was rapidly deteriorating in 1949, Chiang Kai-shek was forced to power down and go to power. As a result, Faced with the current grim situation, Li Tsung-jen complacently attempting to “rule the river with the Chinese Communist Party” and actively prepared for peaceful negotiations .In order to bring about peace and stability to all people in the country as soon as possible, the Chinese Communist Party has promised that Li Zongren’s In April the same year, a delegation of the Kuomintang headed by Zhang Zhizhong came