弘扬抗灾精神 夺取全面胜利

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今年9月26日,我省遭受32年来最强烈的台风“达维”袭击。狂风挟着暴雨,把房屋掀翻,把林木刮倒,把农作物冲毁,使电力、水利等基础设施瘫痪,人民生命财产受到了严重威胁,直接经济损失116.46亿元。大灾情、大损失、大重建。在党中央、国务院的关怀和指导下,在省委、省政府的周密部署下,一个生产自救、重建家园的战斗打响了。有的市县急疏排水渠抢救农田,有的市县组织百支建筑队伍抢修民房,有的市县启动信贷支持农业生产。瓜菜种到哪里贷款就放到哪里,有的市县从财政预备资金中拿出款项扶持灾民,有的市县风灾损失冬种补,有的市县积极发展“短平快”生产,“堤内损失堤外补”……生产自救各有招法, 社会捐助精神可嘉。为了弘扬抗灾精神,以抗灾精神为动力加快海南发展, 海南省委、省政府日前在海口召开“海南省防风救灾总结表彰暨冬季农业生产动员大会”。会议总结了这次防风救灾斗争中表现出来的伟大抗灾精神,表彰了在防风救灾中涌现出来的先进集体和先进个人。会议要求用伟大的抗灾精神进一步推动全省保持共产党员先进性教育活动深入开展;动员全省人民再接再厉,搞好今年的冬季农业生产和各项工作,秋季损失冬季补,粮食损失瓜菜补;动员全省广大干部群众认真贯彻党的十六届五中全会精神,以科学发展观为指导,不断把加快海南发展的各项事业推向前进。为了弘扬抗灾精神,夺取全面胜利,本刊特选登万宁市和省农垦总局在全省防风救灾总结表彰暨冬季农业生产动员大会上的经验交流材料,敬请垂注。 On September 26 this year, our province was hit by the most violent typhoon “David” in 32 years. Raging winds and torrential rains, the houses overturned, the trees were scraped, the crops were destroyed, the infrastructure facilities such as electricity and water conservancy were paralyzed, and people's lives and property were seriously threatened. The direct economic losses amounted to 11.646 billion yuan. Great disaster, big loss, big reconstruction. Under the care and guidance of the Central Party Committee and the State Council, with the careful deployment of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, a battle for the production of self-help and rebuilding of the homeland has started. Some cities and prefectures salvage drainage salvage farmland, and some cities and counties to repair one hundred construction team repair homes, and some cities and counties to start the credit support agricultural production. Wherever the loan is placed, some cities and counties took out funds from the financial reserves to support the victims, and some counties and cities lost their winter storms. Some cities and counties actively developed “short and fast” production, and “losses within the embankments Dike outside the ”... ... Production self-help each have their own way, the spirit of social contributions commendable. In order to carry forward the spirit of disaster resistance and accelerate the development of Hainan in a spirit of disaster resistance, Hainan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government recently held a “Hainan Wind-saving and Disaster Relief Summary Commendation and Winter Agri-production Mobilization Conference” in Haikou. The meeting summed up the great disaster-resistance spirit demonstrated in this wind-saving disaster relief campaign and commended the advanced collectives and advanced individuals emerging from the wind-saving and disaster relief. The meeting called for the great province to further promote the spirit of disaster-stricken areas to maintain the advanced nature of communist education activities carried out in depth; mobilize the people of the province make persistent efforts to do a good job in this year's winter agricultural production and various work, loss of winter in winter, Mobilize the vast numbers of cadres and the people in the province to conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee, and guided by the scientific concept of development, constantly pushing forward the various undertakings for speeding up the development of Hainan. In order to carry forward the spirit of disaster resistance and win the all-round victory, we selected the publication Wanning City and the Provincial Bureau of Land Reclamation in the province's windbreak disaster relief summary summary and winter agricultural production mobilization meeting on the exchange of experience materials, please note.
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