
来源 :中国广播电视学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangming286
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在工作中,常见有的同志,特别是刚步入播音工作岗位的同志,在播音中感情单一、内容苍白,不能打动和感染受众,只是在机械的“念稿”。这是播音员在从备稿到播音这一整套环节中没有“感受”或者说“感受不到位”而造成的。究其原因,并非播音员创作态度不积极,而是“感受能力”相对较差的缘故。那么,怎样培养这种能力呢? At work, some comrades who are common, especially those comrades who have just stepped into the broadcasting job, have a single feeling of emotion in their broadcasts and are pale in content. They can not touch or invade their audiences, and they are merely reading the “read draft” of the machinery. This is the announcer from the preparation of this broadcast to broadcast this part of the link without “feeling” or “feel not in place” caused. The reason is not that the announcer’s creative attitude is not positive, but rather “feeling ability” is relatively poor reason. So, how to cultivate this ability?
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