据市场调查分析表明 ,目前及今后一段时间内 ,开发应用土元产品市场前景看好 ,亟待发展人工养殖业。土元又名地鳖虫 ,是传统的名贵药材 ,具有极高的药用和经济价值。土元性寒、味咸 ,能入肝、心、脾3位 ,专理癖症 ,能散解通瘀 ,接骨续筋 ,主治产后瘀血腹病、跌打损伤、中风口
According to the market survey shows that the current and future period of time, the prospect of development and application of Tuyuan products market is promising, the urgent need to develop artificial aquaculture. Turtle also known as turtle insects, is the traditional luxury medicine, with high medicinal and economic value. Soil salty cold, salty taste, can enter the liver, heart, spleen 3, special treatment disorder, can dissolve stasis, bone continued tendons, attending postpartum stasis abdominal disease, bruises, stench mouth