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建筑师构成了建筑学科创立以来的职业基础。从常规意义上讲,建筑师的工作是通过特定的媒介在或虚拟或物质的层面进行空间的构建。因此,建筑学本质上需要讨论的内容是建筑师应当如何构建空间和构建怎样的空间。然而,在建筑学的历史中,对学科本体的讨论往往更倾向于构建的内容而非途径,对“构建什么”的思辨一直优于对“如何构建”的探讨,而有关后者的构建媒介的探讨则显得更为小众。直到20世纪八九十年代,数字化转型(digital turn)使得建筑学在这两个方面都发生了重大变革。这场变革究竟是源自对内容的诉求还是对媒介的探索至今仍未有定论,但是随着传统的生产性绘图慢慢被数字化工具 Architects form the professional foundation of the architectural discipline since its inception. In the usual sense, the architect’s job is to construct the space through a specific medium at the virtual or material level. Therefore, the essence of architecture that needs to be discussed is how architects should construct and construct what space. However, in the history of architecture, the discussion of subject ontology tends to be more content-oriented rather than avenues, and the speculation on “building something ” has always been better than on “how to construct ”, The construction of the media’s discussion is even more niche. Until the 1980s and 1990s, digital turn led to major changes in architecture in both areas. Whether this change is due to content appeal or media exploration has not been conclusive so far, but as traditional production drawings are slowly being digitized
Background:Diabetes mellitus (DM) remains a major health problem worldwide.Several clinical trials have shown the superiority of the Traditional Chinese Medicin
目的 探讨载脂蛋白E和低密度脂蛋白受体双基因缺失(apoE-/-/LDLR-/-)小鼠肝脏脂代谢相关基因表达特征与动脉粥样硬化早期病变的关系及发生机制.方法 应用RT-PCR技术检测apoE-/-/LDLR-/-与野生型小鼠肝脏脂代谢相关基因表达差异,并进行血生化指标检测及主动脉形态学观察.结果 所检测的11个脂代谢相关基因中,apoE-/-/LDLR-/-小鼠与野生型小鼠相比,载脂蛋白B100和