
来源 :赣南医专学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:myxzm
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本校卫生学和生物化学教研室共同研制的学生课间营养食品于八五年十一月通过鉴定,并经上级批准,由赣州市营养食品厂正式投产。 学生课间营养食品是从儿童青少年生长发育的特点出发,结合本市儿童青少年营养的现状,采用现代科学配方,并对某些重要营养素进行强化、精制而成。经对照研究证明,食用课间营养食品的青少年学生,在智力发育、身高、体重、胸围、血红蛋白及红细胞数等等方面均比食用一般课间食品的学生有更明显的提高和增长。参加鉴定会的代表一致认为,该食品具有营养丰富,质量优良,符合青少年生理要求,食用效果好等特点,为发展我省的营养食品作出了贡献。 Our school of hygiene and biochemistry teaching room jointly developed by students in the classroom nutrition food passed the appraisal in November, 1985 and was approved by the higher level, officially started production by Ganzhou Nutritional Food Factory. Students nutrition food classes is from the characteristics of children and adolescents growth and development, combined with the status of children and adolescent nutrition in the city, the use of modern science formula, and some of the important nutrients to strengthen and refined. The control study shows that young students who eat nutritious foods have a more obvious improvement and growth in intelligence development, height, weight, chest circumference, hemoglobin and red blood cell count than those who eat general food. Delegates attending the conference agreed that the food is nutritious, of good quality, in line with the physiological requirements of adolescents, edible effect is good, etc., for the development of our province’s nutrition food has made its contribution.
Weber Christian 氏病,又名回归型发热性结节性非化脓性脂膜炎。以反复发热与皮下结节为主要症状,多见于成年妇女,亦见于儿童及青少年。兹将我院儿科(1例)、皮肤科(2例)、省
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研究了2,4,6-三溴苯酚在过氧化苯甲酰-碱性水溶液体系中的自由基聚合反应,制得了聚[2,6-二溴-1,4-]苯醚。 The free radical polymerization of 2,4,6-tribromophenol in benzoyl peroxide-basi
1981年我们通过M超声心动图检查,确诊哑型二尖瓣狭窄2例。观报道如下: 例1 男,59岁。突然腹痛及右下肢痛,跛行 In 1981 we passed M echocardiography, confirmed dumb mit