怀恋之歌 珍重之曲

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一曲新词酒一杯,去年天气旧亭台。夕阳西下几时回?无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来。小园香径独徘徊。晏殊的《浣溪沙》,浅语清词,秀洁温润,典雅高华,是对已逝的美好时光的怀恋之歌,是对当下的良辰美景的珍重之曲。晏殊(991—1055),字同叔,临川(今江西抚州)人。七岁能文,宋真宗景德二年(1005)十四岁时以神童召试,赐同进士出身,擢秘书省正字。仕途顺达,后官至同中书门下平章事,即宰相之职,为唐代以来诗人之最位高权重者。他虽无显赫的政绩,但值得一提的至少有三端。一是重视教育。唐末及五 A new wine a glass, the weather last year, an old pavilion. Back when the sun sets back to the helpless flowers, deja vu, once again met. Small garden fragrant path wandering alone. Yan Hsuan’s “Huan Xi Sha”, Shallow Qing Ci, Xiuning gentle, elegant Gao Hua, is the nostalgia song of the good times gone, is the moment of beauty and beauty of the song. Yan Shu (991-1055), the same word, Linchuan (now Jiangxi Fuzhou) people. At the age of seven years, Wen Jingzong Jingde two years (1005) at the age of fourteen prodigy to try, thanks to Jinshi origin, 擢 secretary of the provincial orthography. Shi Shunda, after the official to the same book under the door Ping Zhang chapter, that the prime minister post, since the Tang Dynasty poet the most high-weight persons. Although he has no outstanding achievements, but it is worth mentioning at least three ends. First, attention to education. Late Tang and Five
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