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灯谜最早是由谜语发展而来的,是我国传统的娱乐形式之一,它运用艺术的手法和汉字的规律,着眼于字义、词义的变化,常用一个词句、一首诗来制成谜语,既能达到娱乐的目的,同时又能使人增长知识,为人们所喜闻乐见。春秋战国时代,宫廷中和文人墨客之间就出现了“隐语”等文字游戏,这可以说是最早的灯谜。那时还有一些游说之士,出于利害考虑,在劝说君王时往往不把本意说出,而借用别的语言来暗示,使之得到启发。这种“隐晦”的话语,当时叫做“廋词”(“廋”是“隐藏”之意)。秦汉以后,这种风气更加盛行,《文心雕龙·谐隐》指出:“自魏代以来而君子嘲隐,化为谜语。”唐宋时期,制谜 Riddle riddled with riddles is one of the earliest forms of riddles. It is one of the traditional forms of entertainment in our country. It uses the techniques of art and the laws of Chinese characters and focuses on the changes of meaning and meanings. It is often used as a riddle by a single phrase and a poem. To achieve the purpose of entertainment, while enabling people to increase their knowledge, loved by the people. Spring and Autumn Period, the court and the literati were between the “hidden language” and other word games, which can be said to be the earliest riddle. At that time, there were still some lobbyists who, out of their own interests, often did not say what they meant when persuading their kings, and borrowed other languages ​​to suggest and inspire them. This “obscure” discourse, then called “廋 word” (“廋” is “hidden” meaning). After the Qin and Han dynasties, this kind of trend was more prevalent, “Wen Xin Diao Long Harmony” states: “Since the Wei dynasty, gentlemen ridiculed and turned into riddles.” "Tang and Song Dynasties,
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