
来源 :黑龙江农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:houyangpeng
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在今后的若干年里,害虫生物防治工作者必须继续在研究的深度和广度上下工夫,目前,这两方面的趋势是令人鼓舞的。例如,对一些关系到生物防治发展的基础研究正在加强。诸如生物学、生态学、生物分类学、昆虫行为学、生物化学、发育生物学及虫口动态等都是当前普遍开展的研究领域。令人满意的是,上述的研究已经得到和正在得到大量的基础资料,这些基础资料越广泛,越充分,由此引出的基本原则就越接近正确,害虫生物防治就能更有效迅速地发展。一切有效的防治技术的共同之点就在于 For some years to come, pest biocontrol workers must continue to work on the depth and breadth of their research. At present, the trends in these two areas are encouraging. For example, basic research on the development of biological control is on the rise. Such as biology, ecology, taxonomy, insect behavior, biochemistry, developmental biology and insect population dynamics are currently widely studied areas. Satisfactorily, the above research has obtained and is getting a large amount of basic information. The more extensive and sufficient the basic information, the closer the basic principles come out to the right and the more rapid and effective development of pest biological control. All effective prevention and control technologies have in common
20 0 3年 8月 2 1日上午 ,北京黄寺美容外科医院举行了该院“建院 2 0周年庆典活动”。出席会议的领导有中华医学会副会长肖梓仁 ,中华医学会原副秘书长张浩然 ,以及总装备部
Objective: To observe the hypotensive effects of Qindan Capsule (芩丹胶囊, QC) on spontaneous hypertensive rats (SHR) and its effect on the contents of endothel
Objective: To observe the effect of Kangxin Capsule (康欣胶囊, KXC) on the expression of nerve growth factor (NGF) as well as the morphology and amount of nerve
原理简介 :此设备利用电磁效应作用产生冲击波 ,经过聚焦后在焦点处产生高度集中的应力区域 ,当结石位于该焦点时 ,会在结石上产生一定强度的压应力和张应力 ,经数百至二千次
Background The mechanism of mucosal damage induced by ischemia-reperfusion (IR) after hemorrhagic shock is complex; mast cells (MC) degranulation is associated
用人工饲料饲养草蛉成虫,我国多采用液体饲料;国外则采用糊状饲料。液体饲料容易发酵变质,配制和更换饲料也比较费工,还有粘翅的缺点;糊状饲料也有硬化和浪费的弊病。 为此,