
来源 :河北自学考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zxd80509
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为了汇集自学考生的智慧,帮助他们总结自己的成功经验,使自学成功者的队伍不断扩大,在我院及有关处室领导的大力支持下,本刊第五期发出了“自学成功之路”调查问卷,得到了考生们的积极响应,很快就收到回卷1100多份。 问卷共分“答卷人基本情况”参加自学考试的基本情况”“对自考制度的看法和希望”三部分,下分23项90多个选项,重点想了解广大的自学考生平时的学习情况,有何经验和问题;顺便征求对自考工作的看法和意见。 在省市统计部门人员的帮助下,应用计算机对大量的信息进行了统计和相关分析。现将回卷的总体情况以及对自学成功的因素分析予以公布,以后还将陆续分专题公布分析报告,供广大的自学考生和自考工作者参考,希望对大家能有所启发和帮助。 In order to bring together the wisdom of self-study candidates to help them sum up their own successful experiences so that the ranks of self-taught successful people will continue to expand. With the strong support of the leadership of our college and relevant departments and offices, The questionnaire received favorable responses from the candidates and soon received more than 1,100 rewinds. The questionnaire is divided into “basic information of respondents” to participate in self-study exam “” on the self-examination system and hope that the "three parts, the next 23 90 options, the main point would like to know the majority of self-study candidates usually study, there are What experience and problems; the way to solicit the views and opinions on self-examination work.With the help of the provincial and municipal departments of statistics, the use of computers for a large number of statistical and related information analysis.Currently roll back the overall situation and self-learning success Factor analysis will be announced, the future will be published in thematic sub-analysis report, for the majority of self-learning candidates and self-test workers for reference, I hope we can have some inspiration and help.
1. Limits at infinityLet’s begin by investigating the behavior of the function f(x) = 1/x as x becomes large. You can use the graphing - calculator(TI - 84 Plu
对78例支气管哮喘(哮喘)患者进行系统的检查与问诊,男36例,女42例,年龄18~72岁。激素依赖性哮喘37例。病程平均8.2年。 调查结果有些哮喘患者感觉少量饮酒(乙醇量不超过20g)