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为了进一步促进和加强海内外华人航天专家、学者的学术交流,推动航天人才的成长,探索中华航天发展的未来,由中国宇航学会、中国航太学会(台北)、美华航太工程师协会联合举办的“第三届海内外华人航天科技研讨会”于1997年5月28日至31日在澳门召开。参加会议的海内外华人专家、学者103人,报告论文70余篇。涉及的内容有航天器系统、运载与推进系统、结构与材料科学、航天技术应用及其它等科技领域。文章学术性强,很有深度,总体水平高,展示了海内外华人在航天领域拼搏取得的辉煌成果和艰苦奋斗的历程。大家欢聚一堂,交流经验,共瞻航天美好未来,气氛热烈,感情融洽,增进了相互了解和友谊,激发了华夏民族的自豪感。与会者认为,在大家面临共同挑起中华航天跨世纪重任的时候,华人应该在空间信息、 In order to further promote and strengthen the academic exchanges between Chinese and overseas Chinese space experts and scholars, promote the growth of space personnel and explore the future of China’s space development, the China Aerospace Society, the Chinese Aerospace Society (Taipei) and the United States and China Pacific Institute of Engineers “The 3rd Chinese and Overseas Chinese Aerospace Science and Technology Seminar” was held in Macao from May 28 to 31, 1997. 103 Chinese and overseas Chinese experts and scholars attending the conference and more than 70 papers. Involved in spacecraft systems, transportation and propulsion systems, structure and materials science, aerospace technology applications and other fields of science and technology. The article is of academic nature, deep in depth and high in overall level. It shows the glorious achievements made by Chinese at home and abroad in the field of space and hard work and the course of hard work. We all gathered together to exchange experiences and a good future for Zhanzhan Aerospace. The atmosphere was warm and harmonious, which enhanced mutual understanding and friendship and inspired the pride of the Chinese nation. Attendees believe that when we face the common task of provoking China Space across the century, the Chinese should study space information,
由航空工业总公司北京航空工艺研究所等单位承担的国防科工委重点预研项目——北京 FMS 实验中心系统,于1996年12月26,27日,顺利通过中国航空工业总公司科技局主持的技术鉴
为了解决各地和有关部门在试行全员劳动合同制中提出的问题,劳动部于9月份颁布了《关于试行全员劳动合同制有关问题处理意见的通知》,主要内容是: 1、关于劳动合同签订问题
几年来,在农村依法用地建房无疑是主流,但未经批准擅自占用承包地建房的问题却时有发生,在一些地方还相当严重。 非法占地建房问题为何屡禁不止?从近几年的情况看,农村在党
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针对广州市当前一些单位和饮食行业违法经营、贩卖国家保护野生动物十分严重这一情况,广州市人大和广州 For some units in Guangzhou and the illegal operation of the c