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给孩子写日记,对父母亲和长辈说来,是一种生活乐趣。它可以促使大人对孩子进行系统的观察了解,有助于确切地回顾孩子身心发展的过程,有利于对比过去,判断现在,以便采用恰当的抚育措施。同时,给孩子写日记,是一种研究儿童心理发展的有效方法。长期系统观察儿童成长发展的记录材料,可作为研究儿童发展规律的参考。早在五十多年前,我国著名的儿童教育家陈鹤琴先生,曾给他的儿子系统地写了日记。他的这项工作,可以算是我国最早的儿童心理学研究,至今是我国儿童心理学文献中的宝贵材料。国外也有不少人作过类似的工作。例如伟大的进化论创始人达尔文,根据对自己孩子心理发展的长期观察,写成了《一个婴儿的传略》(一八七六年)。被称为儿童心理学始祖的蒲莱尔,也是从孩子出生之时开始,对他进行观察和记录。他的《儿童心理》著作中,有大量这样的记录材料。女孩童灿(小名多多)出生后,她的外祖父和母亲先后给她写日记,并起名为《童灿日记》。它不但记录了孩子的生长发育和心理发展过程,字里行间还使人亲切地感到外祖父母、祖母和父母亲,如何不辞辛劳地、精心地抚育新的一代。他们是和睦团结的一家,对孩子的健康成长,发生了良好的影响。看过日记还使人亲切地感到孩子的成长又如何得到了党和政府的关怀,新中国的儿童是多么幸福。童灿就是千千万万个生活在社会主义阳光雨露下茁壮成长的幼苗中的一株。再过一些年,等童灿懂事后,我们相信这本小小的日记,还将会成为孩子们的很好教材,它将使童灿和她的同辈人体会到自己的成长,应该归功于谁。我们希望有条件的家长们,都来给孩子写日记,已经开始写的,能够坚持下去。下面介绍了童灿出生五十天的简况,并摘录了《童灿日记》中的一些段落。 Write a diary to the children, for parents and elders, it is a pleasure of life. It can make adults observe the child systematically and help to review the process of physical and mental development of the child accurately. It is helpful to compare the past, judge the present, and adopt the appropriate care. At the same time, writing diaries to children is an effective way to study children’s psychological development. Long-term systematic observation of children’s growth and development of the recording material can be used as a reference for the study of children’s development. As early as more than 50 years ago, Chen Heqin, a famous children’s educator in our country, systematically wrote a diary for his son. His work, can be regarded as China’s earliest child psychology research, is still a valuable material in the literature of children’s psychology in our country. Many foreign people have done similar work. For example, Darwin, the great founder of evolutionism, wrote “A Baby’s Biography” (1876) based on the long-term observation of the psychological development of his own children. Prairie, also known as the ancestor of child psychology, also observed and documented his child’s birth. There is a great deal of such material in his book Children’s Psychology. After her birth, Tong Can (a little girl’s name) was born, her grandfather and mother wrote her diary one after another, and named her “Tong Can Diary.” It not only records the children’s growth and development process of psychological development, the lines also make people kindly feel that grandparents, grandmothers and parents, how to tirelessly and carefully nurture a new generation. They are a group united in harmony and have a good influence on their children’s healthy growth. Reading diary also makes people feel kindly how the growth of children and how the party and government have been concerned about the happiness of children in new China. Tong Chan is one of thousands of seedlings that have thrived under the sunshine of socialism. After a few years, we can believe that this little diary will become a very good teaching material for children, so that Tong Can and her peers will realize their own growth should be attributed to Who. We hope that parents who are qualified will come to write their diary to their children and have already started to write and can persevere. The following is a brief introduction of Tong Chan’s 50-day birth and excerpts from some passages in Tong Kan Diary.
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