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商贸升级、打响品牌,西柳欲做中国裤业版图最强者。男裤之都西柳近来动作频频。先是首开南北两大专业市场官方合作先河的海城义乌中国小商品城项目成功落地,于日前正式开工建设,打通了辽南沿海与内陆市场的连接。之后,14家西柳本土裤装企业代表郑重地在庄严的北京人民大会堂宣誓,立志要实现“中国男裤看西柳”的目标,将西柳男裤做到中国最好、世界最强。而这也是西柳自服装市场开市以来,首次为裤装单一品类所组织举办的品牌宣传推介活动。 Business upgrade, started the brand, Xiliu want to do the strongest territory of China’s pants industry. Men’s trousers West Liu recent moves frequently. The first to open the official cooperation between the two major professional markets in North and South Korea Haicheng Yiwu China Commodity City project successfully landed, in a few days ago officially started construction, opened up the coastal areas of southern Liaoning and the connection. After that, Xiliu local pants business representatives solemnly solemnly pledged in Beijing’s Great Hall of the People, determined to achieve the goal of “Chinese men’s trousers to see Xiliu”, will be the best Xialiu men’s pants, the strongest in the world. This is the first time since the opening of the apparel market, Xiliu has been organizing a brand promotion campaign organized by a single category of trousers.
九四年全国高考语文试卷第21题,述题文字有不确当处,试指摘之。这道题目如下,着重号系笔者所加: 根据下面说明,完成后面两题。(4分) “育人财会职业高中”为及早安排本校毕
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交流时间:2013年6月30日-2013年9月27日地点:美国纽约,美国机械工程师学会Time:June 30,2013-Sep.27,2013 Workplace:American Society of Mechanical Engineers(ASME),New Y
茂密的林木,在山中凝聚起了片片的青翠,形成了这些丰厚卷册中美丽的篇章,我就这样静静地读着它们。 The lush forests gathered green in the mountains and formed beauti
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