有益的工作 宝贵的资料——记港澳台资企业问卷调查分析报告发布暨座谈会

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由本刊编辑部和中国社会科学院亚洲太平洋研究所、澳门天华集团有限公司联合举办的港澳台资企业情况问卷调查活动日前结束.8万余字的报告表明:优惠的政策、市场的潜力和廉价的劳动力,如今依然是祖国大陆吸引港澳台资企业投资的三大优势.在被调查企业中,69.4%的人认为目前的港澳台资政策是合理的,主导方面是好的;66.7%的企业认为市场潜力是祖国大陆目前最大的优势;43.4%的企业选择了廉价劳动力;认为廉价原材料是优势的占16.3%.在10月26日举行的问卷调查分析报告座谈会上,本刊总编辑陈大斌、中国社科院亚洲太平洋研究所所长张蕴岭介绍了有关情况.曾宪梓先生和有关部门的领导、专家认为,这项调查结果颇具权威性,对于全面分析和了解港澳台资企业在祖国大陆经济发展中的作用、它们的经营状况、港澳台资企业家对祖国大陆经营环境的评价以及政府部门对港澳台资的管理等问题,具有重要意义.本刊这一期刊登了这次问卷调查的分析和座谈会的情况,意在推动港澳台资企业在祖国大陆的健康发展. The questionnaire survey of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-funded enterprises co-sponsored by the editorial department of the journal, the Asia Pacific Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and the Macau Tianhua Group Co., Ltd. concluded. The report of more than 80,000 words indicates: preferential policies, market potential, and The cheap labor force is still the three major advantages of the motherland’s mainland attracting investment from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwanese companies. Among the surveyed enterprises, 69.4% believe that the current policy on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan is reasonable, and the dominant aspect is good; 66.7% The company believes that the market potential is currently the biggest advantage of the mother mainland; 43.4% of the companies have chosen cheap labor; 16.3% believe that cheap raw materials are dominant. At the symposium on the questionnaire survey held on October 26, the chief editor of the journal Chen Dabin and Zhang Yunling, director of the Asian Pacific Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, introduced the situation. Mr. Zeng Xianzheng and relevant department leaders and experts believe that this survey result is authoritative and provides a comprehensive analysis and understanding of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland economy of the motherland. The role of development, their operating conditions, and the evaluation of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded entrepreneurs on the mainland’s business environment Government departments of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded management and other issues of great significance. Articles published in this issue of the situation analysis and the forum of this survey, intended to promote the healthy development of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-funded enterprises in the mainland.
对于CEO,我们提倡一种“入世+出世”的领导方法入世就是要进入市场;对于董事会,建议“眼睛不要盯着‘后视镜’,而要看好前方的路”。只要CEO和董事会能同时做到出入有度、进退得宜,他们之间的关系就是企业走向强大的催化剂  现如今,各行各业的公司都备受煎熬。各种各样的颠覆性力量,比如经济、地缘政治、科技、人口以及环境都在重塑着市场。这就要求董事会和管理层即便不彻底转变,也要不断反思公司的商业模式。要应
针对一种已有的分布式计算理论模型 (单位长度的任务由处理器独立产生 ,没有全局控制 ,彼此通信需要花费时间 ) ,研究了在线性网络上的任务有效调度问题 通过考虑算法中任务