瑞典Atlas Copco公司1983年投入市场的COP1238系列液压凿岩机,是在该公司著名的COP1036/1038系列液压凿岩机的基础上发展起来的新产品,结构上有较大改进,规格更为齐全,零件寿命也有较大提高,有效利用率达98%。该系列产品三化水平较高,由四种规格的冲击机构和四种回转马达匹配,可组合成多种规格的变型产品。冲击能、冲击频率、扭矩及钎杆转速均有较大的调节范围,加上与瑞典Sandvik Coromant公司的全系列钎具配套,能适应各种不同岩石的凿岩需要。 COP1238系列液压凿岩机可与Atlas Copco公司的各类液压钻车配套,广泛用于巷道掘进、井下采矿和露天台阶式凿岩。其
The COP1238 series hydraulic rock drill put on the market of Atlas Copco in Sweden in 1983 is a new product developed on the basis of the famous COP1036 / 1038 series hydraulic rock drill. The structure is greatly improved, the specifications are more complete, and the life span of parts is also Larger, effective utilization rate of 98%. The higher the level of the three series of products, from four kinds of impact agencies and four rotary motor matching, can be combined into a variety of specifications of the variant products. Impact energy, impact frequency, torque and drill speed have a larger adjustment range, coupled with the Swedish company Sandvik Coromant a full range of solder brackets to adapt to a variety of rock drilling needs. COP1238 series of hydraulic rock drill with Atlas Copco’s various types of hydraulic drilling rig supporting, widely used in roadway tunneling, underground mining and open-pit rock drilling. its