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今年高考作文命题仍然用提供材料、提出要求的方式。与去年高考作文相比,不同处是运用了系列式的一卷两篇作文的方法,即要求考生根据提供的材料,先写一篇简讯,后写一篇短文。这种方式,既考了考生写记叙文的能力,又考了考生写议论文的能力,巧妙地体现了1987年《中学语文教学大纲》的要求。评分方式也有所改变:作文(一)来用的是定量评分的方法,这是作文标准化的一种尝试,旨在减少作文评分的误差;作文(二)仍然采用的是基准分加浮动分的方式,即,根据内容、语言、结构三个方面,综合评卷,分五类给分。下面,从写作(一)和写作(二)的作文试卷中选择几份进行简要评析,供我们了解文章应该怎样写,不应该怎样写,从中汲取丰富 This year’s college entrance examination essay proposition is still used to provide materials, request the way. Compared with last year’s college entrance examination essay, the difference is the use of a series of two essay writing methods, which require candidates to write a short message and then write a short essay, based on the materials provided. This approach not only examines the examinee’s ability to write narrative texts, but also examines the ability of candidates to write dissertations, and skillfully embodies the requirements of the 1987 Chinese Syllabus for Middle Schools. The method of scoring has also changed: Composition (1) uses a method of quantitative scoring, which is an attempt to standardize the composition, aiming to reduce the error of composition scoring; composition (2) still uses the benchmark score plus floating scores. The method, that is, based on the content, language, and structure of the three aspects, comprehensive evaluation, divided into five categories to points. Below, from the writing papers (a) and writing (b), we will select a few copies of the papers for a brief review and analysis, for us to understand how the articles should be written and should not be written and enriched.
3月12日,武汉市档案局局长杨朝伟签订《武汉市档案局2009年度绩效管理指标》,主动将“指导中央扩大内需在汉投资项目建档”的指标任务纳入全市绩效考核体系。 On March 12,
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班主任是全班学生的组织者、领导者和教育者,维持学生心理平衡是班主任工作必须遵循的一条重要原则。 所谓心理平衡,就是在班级管理中,每个学生因感到自己受到尊重和信任而产